Empowering Your Next Step

0%of the Class of 2023 were employed, in graduate school or doing service within nine months of graduation
0%of the Class of 2023 accepted a position related to their career goals
$0Kmedian salary for Elon graduates
0%completed an internship
#0in internships (U.S. News & World Report)
0+career programs each academic year

At Elon, professional development starts early with guidance from the Student Professional Development Center’s (SPDC) expert career advisors. As a result, 96% of our graduates secure career-related positions prior to graduation or within months after.

At Elon, you’ll pursue internships, research opportunities, alumni connections, attend job fairs, and utilize career resources like résumé reviews, mock interviews, and personalized advising. Our extensive Elon Job Network (EJN) and strong employer partnerships help connect you with top companies and graduate schools for recruitment events, workshops, and on-campus interviews.