Our Commitment

The Purchasing department helps procure goods and services for the entire University. By performing this aspect of the business process, Purchasing can help individuals concentrate on their specialized areas. If you would like us to meet with your department or have any questions, please call us or stop by our new location at 314 West Haggard Ave. (we have moved from the building at 412 West Haggard Ave.) We look forward to working with you.

Access Our Expertise

Contact us with questions about:

  • Previously placed orders
  • Encumbrance issues
  • Supplies, equipment, and services
  • P-Cards

Service Offerings

It is the goal of the Purchasing Department to provide the best customer service experience possible. We’re here to help faculty and staff:

  • Locate sources
  • Negotiate pricing and delivery
  • Issue competitive bids

Our Mission

The mission of the Purchasing Office is to provide quality customer support by providing efficient and effective purchasing services in support of the University’s educational goals. We will guide our customers in obtaining products and services from appropriate sources at the lowest total cost while ensuring the best overall value. Through the development and administration of policies and procedures, we will serve as an exemplary steward of the University’s resources by facilitating the acquisition process, while striving to minimize risk to the University. Purchasing will create and maintain cooperative relationships and apply sound business practices while working with our customers and suppliers.