This table provides history of courses students have transferred in the past and is to be used as reference for planning purposes only. It is subject to change and does not list all courses from all colleges.

Elon has formal approval processes for the transfer of credit:

  1. Students already taking classes at Elon must secure pre-approval for any future courses they wish to transfer by submitting the request to transfer credit form.
  2. Students attending an Elon-affiliated study abroad or Study USA program secure approval for the transfer of their courses by submitting the Study Abroad/USA Course Review form. Please refer to the Study Abroad/USA Course Review Information.
  3. If you are a student applying for admission to Elon who has completed course work elsewhere, you do not need to complete a pre-approval form. Please have an official college transcript sent to the Elon Admissions Office.

The official evaluation of transfer credit is conducted by the Registrar’s Office upon receipt of final college transcripts.
The complete list of rules governing transfer of credit are posted in the Academic Catalog, transfer credit policies.

I want to search for course equivalencies by...

     (I know where I will be transfering courses from)

CourseCreditTitleElon CourseElon CreditTitleComments
ACC 1204.00000Prin of Financial AccountingACC*20104Principles of Accounting 
ACC 1214.00000Prin of Managerial AccountingACC*21204Principles of Managerial Acct 
ACC 1223.00000Prin of Financial Account IIACC*2XXX3ACC Elective Course 
ACC 2204.00000Intermediate Accounting IACC*2XXX4ACC Elective Course 
ACC 2214.00000Intermediate Accounting IIACC*2XXX4ACC Elective Course 
ACC 2263.00000Advanced Managerial AccountingACC*2XXX3ACC Elective Course 
ACC 2273.00000Practices in AccountingACC*2XXX3ACC Elective Course 
ART 1113.00000Art AppreciationART*1XXX3ART Elective Course 
ART 1313.00000Drawing IART*20103Drawing I 
ASL 1113.00000Elementary Asl IHSS*11503American Sign Language I 
ASL 1123.00000Elementary Asl IIHSS*11603American Sign Language II 
BIO 1104.00000Principles of BiologyBIO*10123Topics in General Biology 
BIO 1104.00000Principles of BiologyBIO*10131General Biology Laboratory 
BIO 1114.00000General Biology IBIO*11123Introductory Cell Biology 
BIO 1114.00000General Biology IBIO*11131Cell Biology Laboratory 
BIO 1124.00000General Biology IIBIO*15144Biodiversity 
BIO 1403.00000Environmental BiologyBIO*10503Topics in Biology 
BIO 1553.00000NutritionBIO*10503Topics in Biology 
BIO 1684.00000Anatomy and Physiology ILAB*1XXX4Lab Science Elective Course 
BIO 168/1698.00000Anatomy & Physiology I/IIBIO*23131Human Anatomy Laboratory 
BIO 168/1698.00000Anatomy & Physiology I/IIBIO*24131Human Physiology Laboratory 
BIO 168/1698.00000Anatomy & Physiology I/IIBIO*23123Human Anatomy 
BIO 168/1698.00000Anatomy & Physiology I/IIBIO*24123Human Physiology 
BIO 2754.00000MicrobiologyBIO*21224Gen Microbio Health Profession 
BTC 1503.00000BioethicsBIO*10503Topics in Biology 
BUS 1103.00000Introduction to BusinessBUS*1XXX3BUS Elective Course 
BUS 1153.00000Business Law IBUS*1XXX3BUS Elective Course 
BUS 1373.00000Principles of ManagementBUS*1XXX3BUS Elective Course 
CHM 1303.00000Gen, Org, & BiochemistryCHM*1XXX3CHM Elective Course 
CHM 130A1.00000Gen, Org, & Biochemistry LabLAB*1XXX1Lab Science Elective Course 
CHM 1313.00000Intro to ChemistryLAB*1XXX4Lab Science Elective Course 
CHM 1313.00000Intro to ChemistryCHM*1XXX3CHM Elective Course 
CHM 131/ L4.00000Intro to Chemistry/LabCHM*11104General Chemistry I 
CHM 131A1.00000Intro to Chemistry LabLAB*1XXX4Lab Science Elective Course 
CHM 131A1.00000Intro to Chemistry LabLAB*1XXX1Lab Science Elective Course 
CHM 1514.00000General Chemistry ICHM*11104General Chemistry I 
CHM 1524.00000General Chemistry IICHM*11204General Chemistry II 
CIS 1103.00000Introduction to ComputersBUS*21103Management Information Systems 
CJC 1113.00000Intro to Criminal JusticeCJS*1XXX3CJS Elective Course 
CJC 1123.00000CriminologyCJS*1XXX3CJS Elective Course 
CJC 1133.00000Juvenile JusticeCJS*1XXX3CJS Elective Course 
CJC 1213.00000Law Enforcement OperationsCJS*1XXX3CJS Elective Course 
CJC 1313.00000Criminal LawPOL*1XXX3POL Elective Course 
CJC 1323.00000Court Procedure & EvidenceCJS*1XXX3CJS Elective Course 
CJC 1413.00000CorrectionsCJS*1XXX3CJS Elective Course 
CJC 2123.00000Ethics & Comm RelationsCJS*1XXX3CJS Elective Course 
CJC 2133.00000Substance AbuseCJS*2XXX3CJS Elective Course 
COM 1103.00000Introduction to CommunicatioCOM*1XXX3Com Elective Course 
COM 1203.00000Intro to Interpersonal ComCOM*26203Interpersonal Communication 
COM 2113.00000Public SpeakingIDS*11503Public Speaking 
COM 2313.00000Public SpeakingIDS*11503Public Speaking 
DRA 1113.00000Theatre AppreciationDTS*11013Introduction to Theatre 
ECO 2513.00000Prin of MicroeconomicsECO*1XXX3ECO Elective Course 
ECO 251/2526.00000Principle of Micro/MacroeconomECO*10006Principles of Economics 
ECO 251/252 6.00000Prin of Micro/MacroeconomicsECO*10006Principles of Economics 
ECO 2523.00000Prin of MicroeconomicsECO*1XXX3ECO Elective Course 
EDU 1194.00000Intro to Early Child EducEDU*1XXX4EDU Elective Course 
EDU 1313.00000Child, Family, and CommunityEDU*1XXX3EDU Elective Course 
EDU 1443.00000Child Development IEDU*1XXX3EDU Elective Course 
EDU 1453.00000Child Development IIEDU*1XXX3EDU Elective Course 
EDU 1463.00000Child GuidanceEDU*1XXX3EDU Elective Course 
EDU 1533.00000Health, Safety, and NutritionEDU*1XXX3EDU Elective Course 
EDU 1874.00000Teaching and Learning for AlEDU*1XXX4EDU Elective Course 
EDU 2163.00000Foundations of EducationEDU*21103Education and Society 
EDU 2503.00000Teacher Licensure PreparatioEDU*2XXX3EDU Elective Course 
EDU 2794.00000Literacy Develop and InstrucEDU*2XXX4EDU Elective Course 
EGR 1502.00000Intro to EngineeringEGR*1XXX2EGR Elective Course 
ENG 1113.00000Writing and InquiryENG*1XXX3ENG Elective Course 
ENG 111/1126.00000Writing & Inquiry/Rsrch in DscENG*11006Writing: Argument and Inquiry 
ENG 1123.00000Writing/Research in the DiscENG*11003Writing: Argument and Inquiry 
ENG 112/HIS 1214.00000Argument Based Research/WesterMTH*1XXX4MTH Elective Course 
ENG 1133.00000Literature-Based ResearchENG*11003Writing: Argument and Inquiry 
ENG 1143.00000Prof Research & ReportingENG*11003Writing: Argument and Inquiry 
ENG 1153.00000Oral CommunicationIDS*11502Public Speaking 
ENG 1253.00000Creativing Writing IENG*21303Creative Writing 
ENG 1313.00000Introduction to LiteratureENG*2503Interpretations of Literature 
ENG 1313.00000Introduction to LiteratureENG*2503Interpretations of Literature 
ENG 1513.00000Univ Wrtng SmnrENG*1XXX3ENG Elective Course 
ENG 2313.00000American Literature IENG*22303American Lit Before 1865 
ENG 2323.00000American Literature IIENG*22403American Lit After 1865 
ENG 2413.00000British Literature IENG*22103British Literatr Before 1800 
ENG 2423.00000British Literature IIENG*22203British Literature After 1800 
ENG1113.00000Expository WritingENG*1XXX3ENG Elective Course 
GEL 1114.00000GeologyENS*11604Introduction to Geology 
GRA 1512.00000Computer Graphics ICOM*1XXX2Com Elective Course 
GRA 1522.00000Computer Graphics IICOM*1XXX2Com Elective Course 
GRD 121/ 1314.00000Drawing Fundamentals I/ IllustART*11204Fundamentals of Design 
GRD 1414.00000Graphic Design ICOM*1XXX4Com Elective Course 
GRD 1424.00000Graphic Design IICOM*1XXX4Com Elective Course 
GRD 1673.00000Photographic Imaging IART*1XXX3ART Elective Course 
GRD 167/ 1686.00000Photographic Imaging I/IiART*26006Intro Intermedia/Photography 
GRD 1683.00000Photographic Imaging IIART*1XXX3ART Elective Course 
GRD 2414.00000Graphic Design IIICOM*2XXX4COM Elective Course 
GRD 2424.00000Graphic Design IVCDE*25804Prin of Communication Design 
GRD 2653.00000Digital Print ProductionCOM*2XXX3COM Elective Course 
GRD 271/ 2724.00000Multimedia Design I & IICOM*22004Creating Multimedia Content 
HEA 1103.00000Personal Health/WellnessWHE*11103Contemporary Wellness Issues 
HEA 1103.00000Personal Health/WellnessWHE*11103Contemporary Wellness Issues 
HIS 102 3.00000His West Civ IIHST*11203Search for Order Modern Europe 
HIS 1113.00000World Civilizations IHST*11103Making of the West to 1500 
HIS 1123.00000World Civilization IIHST*11203Search for Order Modern Europe 
HIS 1213.00000Western Civillization IHST*11103Making of the West to 1500 
HIS 1223.00000Western Civilization IIHST*11203Search for Order Modern Europe 
HIS 1313.00000American History IHST*12103Unruly Origins: US to 1865 
HIS 1323.00000American History IIHST*12203Contested Democ/US since 1865 
HIS 2113.00000Ancient HistoryHST*2XXX3HST Elective Course 
HIS 2123.00000Medieval HistoryHST*2XXX3HST Elective Course 
HOR 1243.00000Nursery OperationsENS*23203Solar Grhs/4th Seasn Harvest 
HOR 1343.00000Greenhouse OperationsENS*1XXX3ENS Elective Course 
HOR 1623.00000Applied Plant ScienceBIO*1XXX3BIO Elective Course 
HOR 1663.00000Soils and FertilizersBIO*1XXX3BIO Elective Course 
HOR 2453.00000Hor Specialty CropsENS*22002Garden Studio/Fall Winter 
HOR 2533.00000Horticulture TurfgrassENS*2XXX3ENS Elective Course 
HOR 2552.00000InteriorscapesENS*2XXX2ENS Elective Course 
HOR 2603.00000Plant: Materials IIBIO*2XXX3BIO Elective Course 
HUM 1103.00000Technology and SocietySCY*1XXX3SCY Elective Course 
HUM 1153.00000Critical ThinkingPHL*21003Critical Thinking 
HUM 1223.00000Southern CultureSCY*1XXX3SCY Elective Course 
HUM 1303.00000Myth in CultureSCY*1XXX3SCY Elective Course 
HUM 1503.00000American Womens StudiesWGS*11003Sex and Gender 
HUM 1603.00000Introduction to FilmCOM*1XXX3Com Elective Course 
MAT 1153.00000Mathematical ModelsMTH*1XXX3MTH Elective Course 
MAT 151/A4.00000Statistics I/LabSTS*11004Intro to Statistical Reasoning 
MAT 1524.00000Statistical Methods ISTS*11004Intro to Statistical Reasoning 
MAT 1613.00000College AlgebraGEN*1XXX3General Elective 
MAT 1713.00000Precalculus AlgebraGEN*1XXX3General Elective 
MAT 1713.00000Precalculus AlgebraGEN*1XXX4General Elective 
MAT 171 L1.00000Precalculus Algebra LabGEN*1XXX1General Elective 
MAT 171/ 171A4.00000Precalculus Algebra/ LabGEN*1XXX4General Elective 
MAT 171/ MAT 174.00000Precalculus Algebra Lab/ PrecaGEN*1XXX4General Elective 
MAT 171/A4.00000Precalculus Algebra/LabGEN*1XXX4General Elective 
MAT 171A1.00000Precalculus Algebra LabGEN*1XXX4General Elective 
MAT 1723.00000Precalculus TrigonometryMTH*1XXX3MTH Elective Course 
MAT 1723.00000Precalculus TrigonometryMTH*1XXX4MTH Elective Course 
MAT 172/ 172A4.00000Precalculus Trigonometry/ LabMTH*1XXX4MTH Elective Course 
MAT 172/ MAT 174.00000Precalculus Tigonometry/ PrecaMTH*1XXX4MTH Elective Course 
MAT 172A1.00000Precalculus Trig LabMTH*1XXX4MTH Elective Course 
MAT 2714.00000Calculus IMTH*15104Calculus I 
MAT 2724.00000Calculus IIMTH*25104Calculus II 
MAT 2853.00000Differential ?MTH*2XXX3Mth Elective Course 
MED 1223.00000Medical Terminology IIESS*12003Medical Terminology 
MLT 1165.00000Anatomy & Med TerminologyESS*12005Medical Terminology 
MLT 140/2406.00000Intro/Special Clin MicrobiologBIO*21226Gen Microbio Health Profession 
MTH 1524.00000Statistical Methods ISTS*11004Intro to Statistical Reasoning 
MUS 1103.00000Music AppreciationMUS*1XXX3MUS Elective Course 
MUS 1113.00000Fundamentals of MusicMUS*13003The Fundamentals of Music 
MUS 1123.00000Introduction to JazzMUS*1XXX3MUS Elective Course 
MUS 1311.00000Chorus IMUS*10511Chorale 
MUS 1321.00000Chorus IIMUS*10511Chorale 
MUS 2311.00000Chorus IIIMUS*10511Chorale 
PED 1102.00000Fit and Well for LifeHEU*1XXX2HEU Elective Course 
PED 1221.00000YogaHEU*1XXX1HEU Elective Course 
PED 2321.00000AikidoHEU*1XXX1HEU Elective Course 
PED 2401.00000Advanced Pr SkillsPED*2XXX1PED Elective Course 
PHD 2223.00000Video ProductionCOM*2XXX3COM Elective Course 
PHD 2423.00000Digital Cideo Prod & EdCOM*2XXX3COM Elective Course 
PHI 2153.00000Philosophical IssuesPHL*11003What Can We Know 
PHI 2403.00000Introduction to EthicsPHL*11203How Should We Live 
PHL 1003.00000Intro to PhilPHL*11003What Can We Know 
PHO 2223.00000Video ProductionCOM*2XXX3COM Elective Course 
PHY 1103.00000Conceptual PhysicsPHY*1XXX3PHY Elective Course 
PHY 110/A4.00000Conceptual Physics /LabPHY*10104Conceptual Physics 
PHY 1514.00000College Physics IPHY*20104General Physics I 
PHY 1524.00000College Physics IIPHY*20204General Physics II 
PHY 2514.00000General Physics IPHY*22104University Physics I 
POL 1203.00000American GovernmentPOL*11103American Politics 
POL 1303.00000State and Local GovPOL*11103American Politics 
PSY 1113.00000General PsychologyPSY*10003Introduction to Psychology 
PSY 1503.00000General PsychologyPSY*10003Introduction to Psychology 
PSY 2413.00000Developmental PsychPSY*21003Lifespan Development 
PSY 263 3.00000Educational PsychologyPSY*2XXX3PSY Elective Course 
PSY 2813.00000Abnormal PsychologyPSY*2XXX3PSY Elective Course 
REL 1103.00000World ReligionsREL*10003Religion in a Global Context 
REL 2113.00000Intro to Old TestamentREL*13103Jewish Biblical Lit in Context 
REL 2123.00000Intro to New TestamentREL*13203Early Christian Lit in Context 
RLS 1043.00000World ReligionsREL*10003Religion in a Global Context 
SOC 1013.00000Compartv SocSOC*11103Introductory Sociology 
SOC 2103.00000Introduction to SociologySOC*11103Introductory Sociology 
SOC 2133.00000Sociology of the FamilySOC*2XXX3SOC Elective Course 
SOC 2203.00000Social ProblemsSOC*22003Social Issues Local Community 
SOC 2423.00000Sociology of DevianceSOC*2XXX3SOC Elective Course 
SPA 1113.00000Elementary Spanish ISPN*10103Elementary Spanish I 
SPA 111/ 1814.00000Elementary Spanish/ LabSPN*10104Elementary Spanish I 
SPA 111/1814.00000Elementary Spanish I & LabSPN*10104Elementary Spanish I 
SPA 1123.00000Elementary Spanish IISPN*10203Elementary Spanish II 
SPA 112/1824.00000Elementary Spanish II & LabSPN*10204Elementary Spanish II 
SPA 1413.00000Culture and CivilizationCIV*1XXX3CIV Elective Course 
SPA 2113.00000Intermediate Spanish ISPN*20103Intrmd I/Mystries Sp Spkg Wrl 
SPA 2123.00000Intermediate Spanish IISPN*20204Intrm II/Grwng Up Sp Spkg Wrl 
SPA 2313.00000Reading and CompositionSPN*20103Intrmd I/Mystries Sp Spkg Wrl 
SPI 1133.00000Intro. to Spanish Inter.SPN*1XXX1SPN Elective Course 
SPI 1143.00000Ana.Skills Spanish Inter.SPN*1XXX1SPN Elective Course 
SPI 2133.00000Review of GrammarSPN*10204Elementary Spanish II 
SPI 2143.00000Intro to TranslationSPN*2XXX3SPN Elective Course 
WEB 1153.00000Web Markup and ScriptingCOM*21003Web and Mobile Communications 
WEB 1403.00000Web Development ToolsCOM*2XXX3COM Elective Course