Course | Credit | Title | Elon Course | Elon Credit | Title | Comments |
ACC 120 | 4.00000 | Prin of Financial Accounting | ACC*2010 | 4 | Principles of Accounting | |
ACC 121 | 4.00000 | Prin of Managerial Accounting | ACC*2120 | 4 | Principles of Managerial Acct | |
ACC 122 | 3.00000 | Prin of Financial Account II | ACC*2XXX | 3 | ACC Elective Course | |
ACC 220 | 4.00000 | Intermediate Accounting I | ACC*2XXX | 4 | ACC Elective Course | |
ACC 221 | 4.00000 | Intermediate Accounting II | ACC*2XXX | 4 | ACC Elective Course | |
ACC 226 | 3.00000 | Advanced Managerial Accounting | ACC*2XXX | 3 | ACC Elective Course | |
ACC 227 | 3.00000 | Practices in Accounting | ACC*2XXX | 3 | ACC Elective Course | |
ART 111 | 3.00000 | Art Appreciation | ART*1XXX | 3 | ART Elective Course | |
ART 131 | 3.00000 | Drawing I | ART*2010 | 3 | Drawing I | |
ASL 111 | 3.00000 | Elementary Asl I | HSS*1150 | 3 | American Sign Language I | |
ASL 112 | 3.00000 | Elementary Asl II | HSS*1160 | 3 | American Sign Language II | |
BIO 110 | 4.00000 | Principles of Biology | BIO*1012 | 3 | Topics in General Biology | |
BIO 110 | 4.00000 | Principles of Biology | BIO*1013 | 1 | General Biology Laboratory | |
BIO 111 | 4.00000 | General Biology I | BIO*1112 | 3 | Introductory Cell Biology | |
BIO 111 | 4.00000 | General Biology I | BIO*1113 | 1 | Cell Biology Laboratory | |
BIO 112 | 4.00000 | General Biology II | BIO*1514 | 4 | Biodiversity | |
BIO 140 | 3.00000 | Environmental Biology | BIO*1050 | 3 | Topics in Biology | |
BIO 155 | 3.00000 | Nutrition | BIO*1050 | 3 | Topics in Biology | |
BIO 168 | 4.00000 | Anatomy and Physiology I | LAB*1XXX | 4 | Lab Science Elective Course | |
BIO 168/169 | 8.00000 | Anatomy & Physiology I/II | BIO*2313 | 1 | Human Anatomy Laboratory | |
BIO 168/169 | 8.00000 | Anatomy & Physiology I/II | BIO*2413 | 1 | Human Physiology Laboratory | |
BIO 168/169 | 8.00000 | Anatomy & Physiology I/II | BIO*2312 | 3 | Human Anatomy | |
BIO 168/169 | 8.00000 | Anatomy & Physiology I/II | BIO*2412 | 3 | Human Physiology | |
BIO 275 | 4.00000 | Microbiology | BIO*2122 | 4 | Gen Microbio Health Profession | |
BTC 150 | 3.00000 | Bioethics | BIO*1050 | 3 | Topics in Biology | |
BUS 110 | 3.00000 | Introduction to Business | BUS*1XXX | 3 | BUS Elective Course | |
BUS 115 | 3.00000 | Business Law I | BUS*1XXX | 3 | BUS Elective Course | |
BUS 137 | 3.00000 | Principles of Management | BUS*1XXX | 3 | BUS Elective Course | |
CHM 130 | 3.00000 | Gen, Org, & Biochemistry | CHM*1XXX | 3 | CHM Elective Course | |
CHM 130A | 1.00000 | Gen, Org, & Biochemistry Lab | LAB*1XXX | 1 | Lab Science Elective Course | |
CHM 131 | 3.00000 | Intro to Chemistry | LAB*1XXX | 4 | Lab Science Elective Course | |
CHM 131 | 3.00000 | Intro to Chemistry | CHM*1XXX | 3 | CHM Elective Course | |
CHM 131/ L | 4.00000 | Intro to Chemistry/Lab | CHM*1110 | 4 | General Chemistry I | |
CHM 131A | 1.00000 | Intro to Chemistry Lab | LAB*1XXX | 4 | Lab Science Elective Course | |
CHM 131A | 1.00000 | Intro to Chemistry Lab | LAB*1XXX | 1 | Lab Science Elective Course | |
CHM 151 | 4.00000 | General Chemistry I | CHM*1110 | 4 | General Chemistry I | |
CHM 152 | 4.00000 | General Chemistry II | CHM*1120 | 4 | General Chemistry II | |
CIS 110 | 3.00000 | Introduction to Computers | BUS*2110 | 3 | Management Information Systems | |
CJC 111 | 3.00000 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CJS*1XXX | 3 | CJS Elective Course | |
CJC 112 | 3.00000 | Criminology | CJS*1XXX | 3 | CJS Elective Course | |
CJC 113 | 3.00000 | Juvenile Justice | CJS*1XXX | 3 | CJS Elective Course | |
CJC 121 | 3.00000 | Law Enforcement Operations | CJS*1XXX | 3 | CJS Elective Course | |
CJC 131 | 3.00000 | Criminal Law | POL*1XXX | 3 | POL Elective Course | |
CJC 132 | 3.00000 | Court Procedure & Evidence | CJS*1XXX | 3 | CJS Elective Course | |
CJC 141 | 3.00000 | Corrections | CJS*1XXX | 3 | CJS Elective Course | |
CJC 212 | 3.00000 | Ethics & Comm Relations | CJS*1XXX | 3 | CJS Elective Course | |
CJC 213 | 3.00000 | Substance Abuse | CJS*2XXX | 3 | CJS Elective Course | |
COM 110 | 3.00000 | Introduction to Communicatio | COM*1XXX | 3 | Com Elective Course | |
COM 120 | 3.00000 | Intro to Interpersonal Com | COM*2620 | 3 | Interpersonal Communication | |
COM 211 | 3.00000 | Public Speaking | IDS*1150 | 3 | Public Speaking | |
COM 231 | 3.00000 | Public Speaking | IDS*1150 | 3 | Public Speaking | |
DRA 111 | 3.00000 | Theatre Appreciation | DTS*1101 | 3 | Introduction to Theatre | |
ECO 251 | 3.00000 | Prin of Microeconomics | ECO*1XXX | 3 | ECO Elective Course | |
ECO 251/252 | 6.00000 | Principle of Micro/Macroeconom | ECO*1000 | 6 | Principles of Economics | |
ECO 251/252 | 6.00000 | Prin of Micro/Macroeconomics | ECO*1000 | 6 | Principles of Economics | |
ECO 252 | 3.00000 | Prin of Microeconomics | ECO*1XXX | 3 | ECO Elective Course | |
EDU 119 | 4.00000 | Intro to Early Child Educ | EDU*1XXX | 4 | EDU Elective Course | |
EDU 131 | 3.00000 | Child, Family, and Community | EDU*1XXX | 3 | EDU Elective Course | |
EDU 144 | 3.00000 | Child Development I | EDU*1XXX | 3 | EDU Elective Course | |
EDU 145 | 3.00000 | Child Development II | EDU*1XXX | 3 | EDU Elective Course | |
EDU 146 | 3.00000 | Child Guidance | EDU*1XXX | 3 | EDU Elective Course | |
EDU 153 | 3.00000 | Health, Safety, and Nutrition | EDU*1XXX | 3 | EDU Elective Course | |
EDU 187 | 4.00000 | Teaching and Learning for Al | EDU*1XXX | 4 | EDU Elective Course | |
EDU 216 | 3.00000 | Foundations of Education | EDU*2110 | 3 | Education and Society | |
EDU 250 | 3.00000 | Teacher Licensure Preparatio | EDU*2XXX | 3 | EDU Elective Course | |
EDU 279 | 4.00000 | Literacy Develop and Instruc | EDU*2XXX | 4 | EDU Elective Course | |
EGR 150 | 2.00000 | Intro to Engineering | EGR*1XXX | 2 | EGR Elective Course | |
ENG 111 | 3.00000 | Writing and Inquiry | ENG*1XXX | 3 | ENG Elective Course | |
ENG 111/112 | 6.00000 | Writing & Inquiry/Rsrch in Dsc | ENG*1100 | 6 | Writing: Argument and Inquiry | |
ENG 112 | 3.00000 | Writing/Research in the Disc | ENG*1100 | 3 | Writing: Argument and Inquiry | |
ENG 112/HIS 121 | 4.00000 | Argument Based Research/Wester | MTH*1XXX | 4 | MTH Elective Course | |
ENG 113 | 3.00000 | Literature-Based Research | ENG*1100 | 3 | Writing: Argument and Inquiry | |
ENG 114 | 3.00000 | Prof Research & Reporting | ENG*1100 | 3 | Writing: Argument and Inquiry | |
ENG 115 | 3.00000 | Oral Communication | IDS*1150 | 2 | Public Speaking | |
ENG 125 | 3.00000 | Creativing Writing I | ENG*2130 | 3 | Creative Writing | |
ENG 131 | 3.00000 | Introduction to Literature | ENG*250 | 3 | Interpretations of Literature | |
ENG 131 | 3.00000 | Introduction to Literature | ENG*250 | 3 | Interpretations of Literature | |
ENG 151 | 3.00000 | Univ Wrtng Smnr | ENG*1XXX | 3 | ENG Elective Course | |
ENG 231 | 3.00000 | American Literature I | ENG*2230 | 3 | American Lit Before 1865 | |
ENG 232 | 3.00000 | American Literature II | ENG*2240 | 3 | American Lit After 1865 | |
ENG 241 | 3.00000 | British Literature I | ENG*2210 | 3 | British Literatr Before 1800 | |
ENG 242 | 3.00000 | British Literature II | ENG*2220 | 3 | British Literature After 1800 | |
ENG111 | 3.00000 | Expository Writing | ENG*1XXX | 3 | ENG Elective Course | |
GEL 111 | 4.00000 | Geology | ENS*1160 | 4 | Introduction to Geology | |
GRA 151 | 2.00000 | Computer Graphics I | COM*1XXX | 2 | Com Elective Course | |
GRA 152 | 2.00000 | Computer Graphics II | COM*1XXX | 2 | Com Elective Course | |
GRD 121/ 131 | 4.00000 | Drawing Fundamentals I/ Illust | ART*1120 | 4 | Fundamentals of Design | |
GRD 141 | 4.00000 | Graphic Design I | COM*1XXX | 4 | Com Elective Course | |
GRD 142 | 4.00000 | Graphic Design II | COM*1XXX | 4 | Com Elective Course | |
GRD 167 | 3.00000 | Photographic Imaging I | ART*1XXX | 3 | ART Elective Course | |
GRD 167/ 168 | 6.00000 | Photographic Imaging I/Ii | ART*2600 | 6 | Intro Intermedia/Photography | |
GRD 168 | 3.00000 | Photographic Imaging II | ART*1XXX | 3 | ART Elective Course | |
GRD 241 | 4.00000 | Graphic Design III | COM*2XXX | 4 | COM Elective Course | |
GRD 242 | 4.00000 | Graphic Design IV | CDE*2580 | 4 | Prin of Communication Design | |
GRD 265 | 3.00000 | Digital Print Production | COM*2XXX | 3 | COM Elective Course | |
GRD 271/ 272 | 4.00000 | Multimedia Design I & II | COM*2200 | 4 | Creating Multimedia Content | |
HEA 110 | 3.00000 | Personal Health/Wellness | WHE*1110 | 3 | Contemporary Wellness Issues | |
HEA 110 | 3.00000 | Personal Health/Wellness | WHE*1110 | 3 | Contemporary Wellness Issues | |
HIS 102 | 3.00000 | His West Civ II | HST*1120 | 3 | Search for Order Modern Europe | |
HIS 111 | 3.00000 | World Civilizations I | HST*1110 | 3 | Making of the West to 1500 | |
HIS 112 | 3.00000 | World Civilization II | HST*1120 | 3 | Search for Order Modern Europe | |
HIS 121 | 3.00000 | Western Civillization I | HST*1110 | 3 | Making of the West to 1500 | |
HIS 122 | 3.00000 | Western Civilization II | HST*1120 | 3 | Search for Order Modern Europe | |
HIS 131 | 3.00000 | American History I | HST*1210 | 3 | Unruly Origins: US to 1865 | |
HIS 132 | 3.00000 | American History II | HST*1220 | 3 | Contested Democ/US since 1865 | |
HIS 211 | 3.00000 | Ancient History | HST*2XXX | 3 | HST Elective Course | |
HIS 212 | 3.00000 | Medieval History | HST*2XXX | 3 | HST Elective Course | |
HOR 124 | 3.00000 | Nursery Operations | ENS*2320 | 3 | Solar Grhs/4th Seasn Harvest | |
HOR 134 | 3.00000 | Greenhouse Operations | ENS*1XXX | 3 | ENS Elective Course | |
HOR 162 | 3.00000 | Applied Plant Science | BIO*1XXX | 3 | BIO Elective Course | |
HOR 166 | 3.00000 | Soils and Fertilizers | BIO*1XXX | 3 | BIO Elective Course | |
HOR 245 | 3.00000 | Hor Specialty Crops | ENS*2200 | 2 | Garden Studio/Fall Winter | |
HOR 253 | 3.00000 | Horticulture Turfgrass | ENS*2XXX | 3 | ENS Elective Course | |
HOR 255 | 2.00000 | Interiorscapes | ENS*2XXX | 2 | ENS Elective Course | |
HOR 260 | 3.00000 | Plant: Materials II | BIO*2XXX | 3 | BIO Elective Course | |
HUM 110 | 3.00000 | Technology and Society | SCY*1XXX | 3 | SCY Elective Course | |
HUM 115 | 3.00000 | Critical Thinking | PHL*2100 | 3 | Critical Thinking | |
HUM 122 | 3.00000 | Southern Culture | SCY*1XXX | 3 | SCY Elective Course | |
HUM 130 | 3.00000 | Myth in Culture | SCY*1XXX | 3 | SCY Elective Course | |
HUM 150 | 3.00000 | American Womens Studies | WGS*1100 | 3 | Sex and Gender | |
HUM 160 | 3.00000 | Introduction to Film | COM*1XXX | 3 | Com Elective Course | |
MAT 115 | 3.00000 | Mathematical Models | MTH*1XXX | 3 | MTH Elective Course | |
MAT 151/A | 4.00000 | Statistics I/Lab | STS*1100 | 4 | Intro to Statistical Reasoning | |
MAT 152 | 4.00000 | Statistical Methods I | STS*1100 | 4 | Intro to Statistical Reasoning | |
MAT 161 | 3.00000 | College Algebra | GEN*1XXX | 3 | General Elective | |
MAT 171 | 3.00000 | Precalculus Algebra | GEN*1XXX | 3 | General Elective | |
MAT 171 | 3.00000 | Precalculus Algebra | GEN*1XXX | 4 | General Elective | |
MAT 171 L | 1.00000 | Precalculus Algebra Lab | GEN*1XXX | 1 | General Elective | |
MAT 171/ 171A | 4.00000 | Precalculus Algebra/ Lab | GEN*1XXX | 4 | General Elective | |
MAT 171/ MAT 17 | 4.00000 | Precalculus Algebra Lab/ Preca | GEN*1XXX | 4 | General Elective | |
MAT 171/A | 4.00000 | Precalculus Algebra/Lab | GEN*1XXX | 4 | General Elective | |
MAT 171A | 1.00000 | Precalculus Algebra Lab | GEN*1XXX | 4 | General Elective | |
MAT 172 | 3.00000 | Precalculus Trigonometry | MTH*1XXX | 3 | MTH Elective Course | |
MAT 172 | 3.00000 | Precalculus Trigonometry | MTH*1XXX | 4 | MTH Elective Course | |
MAT 172/ 172A | 4.00000 | Precalculus Trigonometry/ Lab | MTH*1XXX | 4 | MTH Elective Course | |
MAT 172/ MAT 17 | 4.00000 | Precalculus Tigonometry/ Preca | MTH*1XXX | 4 | MTH Elective Course | |
MAT 172A | 1.00000 | Precalculus Trig Lab | MTH*1XXX | 4 | MTH Elective Course | |
MAT 271 | 4.00000 | Calculus I | MTH*1510 | 4 | Calculus I | |
MAT 272 | 4.00000 | Calculus II | MTH*2510 | 4 | Calculus II | |
MAT 285 | 3.00000 | Differential ? | MTH*2XXX | 3 | Mth Elective Course | |
MED 122 | 3.00000 | Medical Terminology II | ESS*1200 | 3 | Medical Terminology | |
MLT 116 | 5.00000 | Anatomy & Med Terminology | ESS*1200 | 5 | Medical Terminology | |
MLT 140/240 | 6.00000 | Intro/Special Clin Microbiolog | BIO*2122 | 6 | Gen Microbio Health Profession | |
MTH 152 | 4.00000 | Statistical Methods I | STS*1100 | 4 | Intro to Statistical Reasoning | |
MUS 110 | 3.00000 | Music Appreciation | MUS*1XXX | 3 | MUS Elective Course | |
MUS 111 | 3.00000 | Fundamentals of Music | MUS*1300 | 3 | The Fundamentals of Music | |
MUS 112 | 3.00000 | Introduction to Jazz | MUS*1XXX | 3 | MUS Elective Course | |
MUS 131 | 1.00000 | Chorus I | MUS*1051 | 1 | Chorale | |
MUS 132 | 1.00000 | Chorus II | MUS*1051 | 1 | Chorale | |
MUS 231 | 1.00000 | Chorus III | MUS*1051 | 1 | Chorale | |
PED 110 | 2.00000 | Fit and Well for Life | HEU*1XXX | 2 | HEU Elective Course | |
PED 122 | 1.00000 | Yoga | HEU*1XXX | 1 | HEU Elective Course | |
PED 232 | 1.00000 | Aikido | HEU*1XXX | 1 | HEU Elective Course | |
PED 240 | 1.00000 | Advanced Pr Skills | PED*2XXX | 1 | PED Elective Course | |
PHD 222 | 3.00000 | Video Production | COM*2XXX | 3 | COM Elective Course | |
PHD 242 | 3.00000 | Digital Cideo Prod & Ed | COM*2XXX | 3 | COM Elective Course | |
PHI 215 | 3.00000 | Philosophical Issues | PHL*1100 | 3 | What Can We Know | |
PHI 240 | 3.00000 | Introduction to Ethics | PHL*1120 | 3 | How Should We Live | |
PHL 100 | 3.00000 | Intro to Phil | PHL*1100 | 3 | What Can We Know | |
PHO 222 | 3.00000 | Video Production | COM*2XXX | 3 | COM Elective Course | |
PHY 110 | 3.00000 | Conceptual Physics | PHY*1XXX | 3 | PHY Elective Course | |
PHY 110/A | 4.00000 | Conceptual Physics /Lab | PHY*1010 | 4 | Conceptual Physics | |
PHY 151 | 4.00000 | College Physics I | PHY*2010 | 4 | General Physics I | |
PHY 152 | 4.00000 | College Physics II | PHY*2020 | 4 | General Physics II | |
PHY 251 | 4.00000 | General Physics I | PHY*2210 | 4 | University Physics I | |
POL 120 | 3.00000 | American Government | POL*1110 | 3 | American Politics | |
POL 130 | 3.00000 | State and Local Gov | POL*1110 | 3 | American Politics | |
PSY 111 | 3.00000 | General Psychology | PSY*1000 | 3 | Introduction to Psychology | |
PSY 150 | 3.00000 | General Psychology | PSY*1000 | 3 | Introduction to Psychology | |
PSY 241 | 3.00000 | Developmental Psych | PSY*2100 | 3 | Lifespan Development | |
PSY 263 | 3.00000 | Educational Psychology | PSY*2XXX | 3 | PSY Elective Course | |
PSY 281 | 3.00000 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY*2XXX | 3 | PSY Elective Course | |
REL 110 | 3.00000 | World Religions | REL*1000 | 3 | Religion in a Global Context | |
REL 211 | 3.00000 | Intro to Old Testament | REL*1310 | 3 | Jewish Biblical Lit in Context | |
REL 212 | 3.00000 | Intro to New Testament | REL*1320 | 3 | Early Christian Lit in Context | |
RLS 104 | 3.00000 | World Religions | REL*1000 | 3 | Religion in a Global Context | |
SOC 101 | 3.00000 | Compartv Soc | SOC*1110 | 3 | Introductory Sociology | |
SOC 210 | 3.00000 | Introduction to Sociology | SOC*1110 | 3 | Introductory Sociology | |
SOC 213 | 3.00000 | Sociology of the Family | SOC*2XXX | 3 | SOC Elective Course | |
SOC 220 | 3.00000 | Social Problems | SOC*2200 | 3 | Social Issues Local Community | |
SOC 242 | 3.00000 | Sociology of Deviance | SOC*2XXX | 3 | SOC Elective Course | |
SPA 111 | 3.00000 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN*1010 | 3 | Elementary Spanish I | |
SPA 111/ 181 | 4.00000 | Elementary Spanish/ Lab | SPN*1010 | 4 | Elementary Spanish I | |
SPA 111/181 | 4.00000 | Elementary Spanish I & Lab | SPN*1010 | 4 | Elementary Spanish I | |
SPA 112 | 3.00000 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN*1020 | 3 | Elementary Spanish II | |
SPA 112/182 | 4.00000 | Elementary Spanish II & Lab | SPN*1020 | 4 | Elementary Spanish II | |
SPA 141 | 3.00000 | Culture and Civilization | CIV*1XXX | 3 | CIV Elective Course | |
SPA 211 | 3.00000 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPN*2010 | 3 | Intrmd I/Mystries Sp Spkg Wrl | |
SPA 212 | 3.00000 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPN*2020 | 4 | Intrm II/Grwng Up Sp Spkg Wrl | |
SPA 231 | 3.00000 | Reading and Composition | SPN*2010 | 3 | Intrmd I/Mystries Sp Spkg Wrl | |
SPI 113 | 3.00000 | Intro. to Spanish Inter. | SPN*1XXX | 1 | SPN Elective Course | |
SPI 114 | 3.00000 | Ana.Skills Spanish Inter. | SPN*1XXX | 1 | SPN Elective Course | |
SPI 213 | 3.00000 | Review of Grammar | SPN*1020 | 4 | Elementary Spanish II | |
SPI 214 | 3.00000 | Intro to Translation | SPN*2XXX | 3 | SPN Elective Course | |
WEB 115 | 3.00000 | Web Markup and Scripting | COM*2100 | 3 | Web and Mobile Communications | |
WEB 140 | 3.00000 | Web Development Tools | COM*2XXX | 3 | COM Elective Course | |