Spreading Hope

The Health Outreach Program of Elon (HOPE) is a student-managed pro bono organization that offers physical therapy services to uninsured or underinsured people in Alamance County and surrounding areas. Opened 10 years ago by the Elon Doctor of Physical Therapy program, the weekly clinic now serves the community in two locations, the Gerald L. Francis Center on Elon’s campus and CityGate Dream Center. During the first half of 2023, the clinic saw 66 patient visits and 235 volunteer hours. While HOPE is supervised by local practitioners, students engage in practical experiences, from initial scheduling to aiding clinicians with patients.

Opening Doors for Quality Care

Since 2013, Elon’s Physician Assistant Student Society has focused its philanthropic efforts on the Open Door Clinic of Alamance County, a free clinic serving more than 500 county residents with no other source of medical care. In many years, Elon PA students have volunteered over 400 annual hours of service to the clinic. To help fill the clinic’s widening financial gap, the students created a superhero-themed 5K/10K race, The Great Cape Escape, in 2015, with proceeds benefitting the Open Door Clinic. In 2022, the event was revamped as the Great Golf Getaway, raising $14,400 to advance access to medical care for the uninsured. To date, the PA Student Society has raised more than $130,000 net proceeds benefitting the clinic between the two events. In many years, the total raised has been enough to pay for all the medications needed by all of the Open Door Clinic’s patients for a full year.

Health Initiatives at a Glance

Start Early in Medicine

Elon’s School of Health Sciences launched the Start Early in Medicine initiative to combat the decline of Black Americans pursuing careers in medicine. The program exposes middle and high school students to health care careers. It aligns with Alamance Community College’s Medical Bridge program, encouraging minority males to pursue dentistry, medicine and other fields and fostering early interest in health care professions.

Alamance Wellness Collaborative

The Alamance Wellness Collaborative engages partners across Alamance County to develop and implement strategies that promote active living, healthy eating and other opportunities for current and future residents to improve their health. Members include key leaders from planning, public health, business, parks and recreation, nonprofit organizations and education, including Elon University.

H.E.R. Lab

Founded by Elon University Department of Public Health Studies faculty members Stephanie Baker and Yanica Faustin, the Health, Equity and Racism (H.E.R.) Lab examines health care systems and outcomes in marginalized communities and aims to address area health disparities. The lab’s work includes research, advocacy and education around race-based barriers to health care, including maternal and women’s health and environmental justice.


By the Numbers

1,885patient treatments at the HOPE Clinic since 2015, facilitating more than $303K saved in medical costs for local residents
788DPT student clinician volunteer sessions at HOPE Clinic since 2015
175licensed physical therapist volunteer sessions, for nearly 2,061 total hours supervising student clinicians at HOPE Clinic
500Alamance County residents with no other source of medical care served by the Open Door Clinic
$133Kraised for the Open Door Clinic through the Elon PA Student Society’s Great Cape Escape and Great Golf Getaway since 2015
160future nurses currently being educated at Elon University