The following courses are offered during Winter Term through the Isabella Cannon Global Education Center. They are arranged according to their development and association with the program. with Ghana: West African History and Culture being our oldest program. Students may also enroll in existing semester-long exchange programs, or consult the Isabella Cannon GEC staff to design their own study abroad experience.

GBL 2470 Ghana: West African History and Culture (4 s.h.)

Previously GBL 247

This course is designed to allow Elon students to experience life in vibrant modern Ghana while gaining an appreciation for the country’s rich past. The class will integrate studying with Ghanaian professors and visits to fascinating sites throughout the country. Students will learn about the powerful Asante state, the tragic Atlantic slave trade, Ghana’s contemporary history and the challenges facing Africa today. You might discuss African politics with a Ghanaian professor one day, and on another learn about rural life through a family visit in the village of Sokode. Our travels will include African markets, craft centers, museums, castles, beaches, a festival, a tropical rainforest and a savannah game park. The course contains a service component, as the class has actively assisted with Ghanaian development projects, especially in the Volta Region.

GBL 2900 Ghana: Performing Arts in Cultural Context (4 s.h.)

This course is designed to guide Elon students through amazing cultural experience in present Ghana while simultaneously learning about Ghana’s rich history. Students will study with the world renown dance company, The Ghana Dance Ensemble, on the University of Ghana Legon campus. Our weekend travels will include the Cape Coast castles, the Ashanti region, Eburi Hills, Ghanian markets, museums, coco farm, beaches, and more. We will conclude our experience with a performance at the University of Ghana and students will also be invited to perform at the annual Black History Month Dance Concert at Elon University in February. No previous dance or performance experience is needed!

HSS 3981 Practicum Away: Theory and Practice of Human Service Studies (4 s.h.)

Previously HSS 382

This course introduces students to the biopsychosocial model of understanding human systems in a cross-cultural environment. Three weeks of direct practice and observation in a human services organization in an international or domestic setting away from campus allows students to apply and conceptualize various aspects of human service delivery, particularly cross-cultural practice, using this approach. Student learning will be guided and enhanced through course readings, weekly seminars, written assignments and faculty site visits.