As noted in the 2019 Provost’s Report, faculty in Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences published three books and 149 articles or book chapters. Our faculty also made 251 presentations at scholarly meetings and conferences and 33 artistic exhibitions and performances. The works listed below are just a few examples that illustrate the breadth and depth of the College’s prolific scholars.


Laura J. Roselle (professor of political science) and Joel T. Shelton (assistant professor of political science and policy studies), “Research and Writing in International Relations,” 3rd ed., with S. Spray, Routledge, 2019.
Jennifer J. Carroll (assistant professor of sociology and anthropology), “Narkomania: Drugs, HIV, and Citizenship in Ukraine,” Cornell University Press, 2019.
Vanessa L. Drew-Branch (assistant professor of human service studies) “Antagonizing White Feminism: Intersectionality’s Critique of Women’s Studies and the Academy,” with P. Chatterjee, T.W. Gerken, L. Conner, P.A. Scharagrodsky, M. Riedel, and B. Guy-Sheftall, Lexington Books, 2019.

Selected Articles & Book Chapters

Chad Awtrey (associate professor of mathematics and statistics) “Automorphisms of 2-adic fields of degree twice an odd number”, with B. Brady, JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, 44(2), (2019): 201-210.
Ann J. Cahill (professor of philosophy) “Toward Intervocality: Linklater, the Body, and Contemporary Feminist Thought”, with C. Hamel, Voice and Speech Review 13, (2019): 130-151.
Jessica D. J. Carew (assistant professor of political science and policy studies) “White House, Black Mother: Michelle Obama and the Politics of Motherhood as First Lady”, with G.Y. Ayee, T.N. Means, A.M. Reyes-Barrientéz, and N.A. Sediqe, Politics & Gender, 15(3), (September 2019): 460-483.
Justin G. Clar (assistant professor of chemistry) “Transformation and Release of Nanoparticle Additives & Byproducts from Commercially Available Surface Coatings on Pressure Treated Lumber”, with W.E. Platten III, E. Baumann, A. Remsen, S. Harmon, K. Rodgers, K. Bradham, T. Thomas, and T.P. Luxton, Science of the Total Environment, Vol 694, (December 2019).
Carrie P. Eaves (assistant professor of political science and policy studies) and Jason Husser (associate professor of political science and policy studies) “The Southern Voice: The Political Consequences of a Southern Accent”, with K. Fernandez, Midsouth Political Science Review, 20, (September 2019): 31-57.
L. Kimberly Epting (associate professor of psychology) “Buzzwords: Identifying the language of gender and mental health status”, with J. Burchett, North American Journal of Psychology, 21(3) (2019): 661-674.
Brandon K. Essary (associate professor of world languages and cultures) “Dante’s Inferno, Video Games, and Pop Pedagogy”, Parole rubate, 20, (Fall 2019): 59-82.
Benjamin A. Evans (associate professor of physics) “Photothermal and Magnetically Controlled Reconfiguration of Polymer Composites for Soft Robotics”, with J.A.C. Liu, J.H. Gillen, S.R. Mishra, and J.B. Tracy, Sciences Advances, 5(8), (August 2019).
Peter Felten (professor of history and geography) “Identity, Intersectionality, and Educational Development”, with D. Little and D. Green, in Educational Development and Identity: New Directions for Teaching and Learning, L. Bernhagen and E. Gravett (eds.), Jossey-Bass, (2019): 11-23.
Raj A. Ghoshal (assistant professor of sociology and anthropology) “Call Your Representatives: Connecting Classroom Learning to Real-World Policy Action”, Teaching Sociology, 47 (February 2019): 51-58.
Simon Higgins (assistant professor of exercise science) “Sedentary Behaviors in Children and Adolescents: What is the Influence on Bone Strength?” with S.L. Belcher and R.D. Lewis, in Nutritional Influences on Bone Health, C.M. Weaver (ed.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (2019): 95-108.
Lynn R. Huber (professor of religious studies) “Gender in John’s Apocalypse”, in The Oxford Handbook of New Testament, Gender, and Sexuality, B. Dunning (ed.), Oxford University Press, New York, NY, (2019): 349-369.
Ketevan Kupatadze (senior lecturer of world languages and cultures) “Opportunities Presented by the Forced Occupation of Liminal Space: Under-Represented Faculty Experiences and Perspectives”, International Journal for Students as Partners, 3(1), (May 2019).
Megan Squire (professor of computer science) “Network, Text, and Image Analysis of Anti-Muslim Groups on Facebook”, Journal of Web Science, 7(1), (2019).


Jennifer A. Hamel (assistant professor of biology) “How does mate assortment influence sexual selection for extreme polyandry?”, Behaviour 2019, joint meeting of the Animal Behavior Society and the International Conference on Ethology, Chicago, IL, July 2019.
Janet P. Mays (senior lecturer of mathematics and statistics) “Using Writing to Assess Conceptual Understanding”, NCCTM Annual Conference, Greensboro, NC, November 7-8, 2019.
April Post (senior lecturer of world languages and cultures) “The Impacts of an Intercultural Approach to Intermediate Spanish Course,” with Pablo Celis-Castillo, 2019 Annual Convention of the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Washington, DC, November 22-24, 2019.
Shawn Tucker (associate professor of art) “The Ecology of the Classroom: Practical Tips Toward Improving the Learning Environment”, Mormon Scholars in the Humanities, Cedar City, UT, May 16-18, 2019.
Ryne C. Vankrevelen (lecturer in statistics) “Interactive Examples in Statistics Courses Using R Shiny”, Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, CO, July 27-August 1, 2019. “Interactive Class Examples with R Shiny to Build Student Intuition”, United States Conference on Teaching Statistics, State College, PA, May 16-18, 2019.
Rena C. Zito (assistant professor of sociology) “Involuntary Housing Instabilities, Family Processes, and Adolescent Socioemotional Outcomes, Aggression, and Delinquent Behavior,” American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November 13-16, 2019.

Exhibitions & Performances

Renay L. Aumiller (assistant professor of dance) EXCHANGE Choreography Festival, Tulsa, OK, July 26, 2019.
Lynn Beck (lecturer of music) “Wagner: Siegfried Act III in Concert,” hornist and Wagner tubist with North Carolina Opera, Raleigh, NC, November 10, 2019.
Samantha DiRosa (associate professor of art) Art UN/Sustainable, Stamp Gallery at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, June/July, 2019.
Stephen A. Futrell (associate professor of music), Music Conductor, LMEA All State High School Mixed Choir, LMEA State Conference, Baton Rouge, LA. November 21-23, 2019.
Lauren W. Kearns (professor of dance) “Bare”, original dance piece, produced by the Florence Dance Festival, Basilica di Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy, June 30, 2019.
Natalie Taylor Hart (associate professor of performing arts) Chatillion Stage Company at 59E59th Theater C, New York, September 2019.
Kevin S. Hoffmann (assistant professor of performing arts) Clown Bar, Elon University Department of Performing Arts, Elon, NC, October 3-9, 2019.

Grants, Awards & Accomplishments

Ryan Johnson (assistant professor of philosophy) received a National Endowment for the Arts Summer Stipend grant to pursue research for his forthcoming book, “Three American Hegels,” which will trace the influence of G.W.F. Hegel on American thought in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Johnson’s scholarship will uncover Hegelian ideas in the speeches and practices of Henry C. Brokmeyer, Horace Williams and John Williams Miller, examining how they employed translations of Hegel’s work in their own lives.
Vickie Moore (associate professor of chemistry) received a grant from the National Science Foundation for her project, “Collaborative Research: Building Community Capacity for Assessment of Student Learning in Undergraduate Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.” This project is in collaboration with professors at Kennesaw State University and Juniata College and stems from her work on the national undergraduate biochemistry assessment exam. A forthcoming workshop will be distinctive in its focus on assessment and its proactive effort to include participants from diverse institutions including historically Black colleges and universities and Hispanic-serving institutions. Participants will leave the workshop with an exemplar question for use in their own biochemistry and molecular biology classrooms as well as access to an online toolkit to support high-quality assessment practices. The long-term goal is to promote the development of an inclusive community of practice of scientist-educators who are trained in effective question design for the molecular life sciences.
Deandra Little (assistant provost, director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, and professor of English) received the 2019 Bob Pierleoni Spirit of POD Award, the top honor given by the Professional & Organizational Development Network in Higher Education.
Brian Pennington (director of the Center for the Study of Religion, Culture, and Society, and professor of religious studies) was part of a grant proposal on Public Religion Scholarship, which was funded by the Luce Foundation. The Center for the Study of Religion, Culture, and Society is the institutional host for that effort.
Amy Allocco (associate professor of religious studies) received an American Academy of Religion (AAR) Collaborative International Research Grant (with Xenia Zeiler of the University of Helsinki).
Toddie Peters (professor of religious studies) was again granted a fellowship by the Public Religion Research Institute in 2019-20.