As noted in the 2022 Provost’s report, College of Arts & Sciences faculty published nine books and 135 articles and book chapters. Our faculty also made more than 210 presentations at scholarly meetings and conferences and 27 artistic exhibitions and performances. Examples illustrating the prolific scholarship of our faculty include:


Julia Bleakney (associate professor of English), Jessie L. Moore (professor of English) and Paula M. Rosinski (professor of English) “Writing Beyond the University: Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing,” Center for Engaged Learning’s Open Access Book Series, Elon, 2022.

Headshot of Geoffrey Claussen.

Geoffrey Claussen (professor of religious studies), “Modern Musar: Contested Virtues in Jewish Thought,” University of Nebraska Press and The Jewish Publication Society, Lincoln and Philadelphia, 2022.

Headshot of Ryan Johnson.

Ryan Johnson (associate professor of philosophy) “Phenomenology of Black Spirit,” with B.M. Gray, Edinburgh University Press, 2022.

Headshot of Ariela Marcus-Sells.

Ariela Marcus-Sells (associate professor of religious studies), “Science or Sorcery? Contesting Knowledge and Practice in West African Sufi Texts,” Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, 2022.

Headshot of Federico Pous.

Federico Pous (associate professor of world languages and cultures), “Eventos carcelarios: Imaginario revolucionario y subjetivación política en América Latina. A Contra Corriente,” University of North Carolina Press, 2022.

Headshot of Shawn R. Tucker.

Shawn R. Tucker (associate professor of art), “Can Laughter Make the World a Better Place?,” Wipf and Stock, Eugene, OR, 2022.

Headshot of Andrea A. Sinn.

Andrea A. Sinn (associate professor of history and geography), “German Jews and Migration to the United States, 1933-1945,” with A. Heusler, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2022.

Headshot of Allison R. Wente.

Allison R. Wente (associate professor of music) “Ghost in the Machine: the Player Piano and Musical Labor,” Routledge, New York, 2022.

Headshot of Rena C. Zito.

Rena C. Zito (associate professor of sociology and anthropology), “Engaged Criminology: An Introduction,” SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2022.

Selected Articles and Book Chapters

Headshot of Meredith L. J. Allison.

Meredith L. J. Allison (professor of psychology), “Alibi Believability,” in “Alibis and Corroborators: Psychological, Criminological, and Legal Perspectives,” M. Kienzle and J. Behl (eds.), Springer, 2022: 37-53.

Heather Barker (assistant professor of mathematics and statistics), Kirsten A. Doehler (professor of mathematics and statistics), “Diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives inventory for introductory college statistics courses,” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Teaching Statistics, 2022.

Headshot of Kelsey S. Bitting.

Kelsey S. Bitting (assistant professor of environmental studies), “Faculty (Re)Engagement: Perspectives on Challenges, Needs, and Opportunities,” with R. Carpenter, K. Dvorak, M.T.Gallardo-Williams, D. D. Chapman, T. Forde, & D. Aming, in “Journal of Faculty Development,” 36(3), 2022: 1-4.

Headshot of Bethany M. Brinkman.

Bethany M. Brinkman (associate professor of engineering), “Experiences with Prototyping and Making in Virtual Classes,” with R. Baily, G. Lewin, and M. Shields, “International Journal of Engineering Education, 38-6, Dec. 2022: 1862-1874.

Headshot of Nicholas W. Bussberg.

Nicholas W. Bussberg (assistant professor of mathematics and statistics), “An Invitation to Teaching Reproducible Research: Lessons from a Symposium,” with R. Ball, N. Medeiros, A. Piekut, “Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education,” 30, Sept. 2022: 209-218.

Headshot of Amanda J. Chunco.

Amanda J. Chunco (associate professor of Environmental Studies), “Is it Hot in Here or is it Me? The Evolutionary Conundrum of Menopause,” with P. Laemont-Thomas, “National Science Teaching Association, 2022.

Headshot of Carrie P. Eaves.

Carrie P. Eaves (associate professor of political science and policy studies), “The Active Citizen Series: A Model for Advancing Student Civic Discourse,” with R. Frigo, in “Power to the Polls: A Guide to Developing Civic Learning, Election Engagement and Political Action in Higher Education,” M. Magjurka (ed.), Stylus, 2022: 85-94.

Headshot of Brandon K. Essary.

Brandon K. Essary (associate professor of world languages and cultures), “De vulgari ‘ludo-quentia’: Dante, Games, and Pop Culture,” in “Dante Alive, Routledge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture,” F. Ciabattoni and S. Marchesi (Eds.), London: Routledge, 2022.

Headshot of David E. Gammon.

David E. Gammon (professor of biology), “First Documentation of Vocal Mimicry in Female Northern Mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos,” with C.M. Stracey, “Journal of Ornithology,” 163, 2022: 749-756.

Headshot of Raj. A Ghoshal.

Raj. A Ghoshal (associate professor of sociology and anthropology), “Review of Hans Rosling, Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World — and Why Things are Better Than you Think,” in Sociation 21, Summer/Fall 2022: 55-57.

Greg Haenel (professor of biology) and Vickie Moore (associate professor of chemistry), “Variation in Melanin Content of Lizard Livers: Hybrids Turning to the Dark Side,” in “Physiological and Biochemical Zoology,” 95, Nov.-Dec. 2022: 536-543.

Headshot of Baris Kesgin.

Baris Kesgin (associate professor of political science and policy studies), “Dueling Personalities and Leadership Styles: Gül, Erdogan, and the Parliament in Turkey’s Policymaking during the 2003 Iraq War,” in “Teoria Polityki,” 6: 169-191, 2022.

Headshot of Michael B. Kingston.

Michael B. Kingston (professor of biology), “Predator mediated establishment of the exotic tunicate Clavelina oblonga in Beaufor, N.C.,” in “Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science,” 135, 2022: 20.

Headshot of Li Li.

Li Li (associate professor of English), “Defining the Racial and Ethnic ‘Other’: Constructing an American Identity Through Visualizing Census Data in the U.S. Statistical Atlases,” in “Journal of Technical Writing and Communication,” 52(4), 2022: 460-492.

Headshot of Heather M. Lindenman.

Heather M. Lindenman (associate professor of English), “Theorizing Writing Differently: How Community-Engaged Projects in First-Year Composition Shape Students’ Writing Theories and Strategies,” in “College Composition and Communication,” 4(1), 2022: 84-112.

Headshot of David (Sandy) J. Marshall.

David (Sandy) J. Marshall (associate professor of history and geography), “Family Narrative Interviewing and the Intimate Geopolitics of Intergenerational Memory in Palestine,” with T. Garner and N. Mansour, “Fennia International Journal of Geography,” 199, 2022: 226-241.

Headshot of Jessica L. Navarro.

Jessica L. Navarro (assistant professor of human service studies), “Fortnite: A Context fo Child Development During COVID-19 (and Beyond),” in “Children and Media Research and Practice During the Crises of 2020,” V. Katz and B. Bond (eds.), Routledge, 2022.

Headshot of Will Pluer.

Will Pluer (assistant professor of engineering), “Retention of Phosphorous in Soils Receiving Bunker Silo Effluent,” with J. Plach, A. Hassan, D. Price and M.L. Macrae, “Environmental Management,” 323, 2022: 116-147.

Headshot of Aaron D. Trocki.

Aaron D. Trocki (associate professor of mathematics and statistics), “Supporting Secondary Mathematics Preservice Teachers in Implementing Digital Technologies,” in “Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference,” Associate for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Langran (Ed.), San Diego, CA, 2022: 1574-1579.

Jason Husser (associate professor of political science and policy studies), Aaron Sparks (assistant professor of political science and policy studies) and Kaye C. Usry (assistant professor of political science and policy studies), “I’m not a Scientist, I Just Know What I See: Hurricane Experience and Climate Change Acceptance,” in “Social Science Quarterly,” 103, Sept. 2022: 1190-1201.

Selected Presentations

Amy Allocco (professor of religious studies), Paula Patch (senior lecturer in English) and Maureen O. Vandermaas-Peeler (professor of psychology) “Mentored research in global contexts: Toward professional skills and career competencies,” The Forum on Education Abroad, Milan, Italy, Oct. 19-21, 2022.

Headshot of Stephanie L. Baker.

Stephanie L. Baker (associate professor of public health studies) and Keisha Wall (assistant professor of dance), “Reclaiming power: The Black Maternal Crisis”, Association for the Study of African American Life and History Annual Conference Film Festival, Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 30, 2022.

Headshot of Daniel W. Burns.

Daniel W. Burns (assistant professor of English), “Voice v. Vision: The Reception Histories of ‘If Beale Street Could Talk,” with C. Stafford, Only Connect: A Virtual Symposium of the Literature/Film Association (LFA) and the Association of Adaptation Studies (AAS), Feb. 18, 2022.

Headshot of Ann J. Cahill.

Ann J. Cahill (professor of philosophy), “The Shimmering Moment of Disclosure: Vulnerability and Sharing Experience of Sexual Violence,” Vulnerability to Abuse and the Catholic Church International Conference, sponsored by the Centre for Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Persons, St. Paul University, Ottawa, May 25-28, 2022.

Headshot of Pablo G. Celis-Castillo.

Pablo G. Celis-Castillo (associate professor of world languages and cultures), “Complex Victimhood in Giovanni Anticona’s Lima Norte,” Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), virtual, June 15-18, 2022.

Headshot of Justin G. Clar.

Justin G. Clar (associate professor of chemistry), “Release and Transformation of ZnO NPs used in Surface Coatings from Pressure Treated Lumber,” North American Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 2022.

Headshot of Polly B. Cornelius.

Polly B. Cornelius (senior lecturer in music), “Masterclass on Vocal Pedagogy and Performance,” Royal School of Church Music in America Summer Training Course for Girls and Adults, Duke University, July 13, 2022.

Headshot of Cynthia D. Fair.

Cynthia D. Fair (professor of public health studies), “What We Want You to Know: Advice to Clinicians From Adoptive Families Living with HIV,” National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care and Treatment, Washington, D.C., August 2022.

Headshot of Mary Jo Festle.

Mary Jo Festle (professor of history and geography), “Teaching Inclusively,” Organization of American Historians Conference, Boston, April 2, 2022.

Headshot of CJ E. Fleming.

CJ E. Fleming (associate professor of psychology), “The Roles of Religious Beliefs and Coping Mechanisms on Beliefs Surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic”, with K. Barba, the 68th annual Southeastern Psychological Association Conference, Hilton Head, S.C., 2022.

Judy M. Folmar (associate professor of human service studies), “A Virtual World: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Changed Play Therapy,” National Association for the Education for Young Children Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., Nov. 16-18, 2022.

Eric E. Hall (professor of exercise science) and Caroline J. Ketcham (professor of exercise science), “Efficacy of Baseline Concussion Testing as a Mental Health Screening Tool for Collegiate Athletes,” sixth International Consensus Conference on Sports Concussion, Amsterdam, October 2022.

Headshot of Jennifer A. Hamel.

Jennifer A Hamel (associate professor of biology), “Examining the Potential for Evolutionary Divergence in a Plant Feeding Insect by Describing Host Plant use and Vibrational Mating Signals,” Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, San José, Costa Rica, July 20-23, 2022.

Headshot of Lynn R. Huber.

Lynn R. Huber (professor of religious studies), “Preaching Revelation for LGBTQ+ Christians: Suggestions for a Queer Homiletic,” Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, Colo., November 2022.

Headshot of Buffie Longmire-Avital.

Buffie Longmire-Avital (professor of psychology), “Strong, Black, and Selfish: Reframing the Strong Black Woman Persona to Include Self-Care Through a Tele-Health Intervention,” American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, August 2022.

Headshot of Kathryn Matera.

Kathryn Matera (professor of chemistry), “Investigating transthyretin aggregates link to oxidative damage of HDL cholesterol carriers”, Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Oct. 19-22, 2022.

Headshot of Brian A. Kremer.

Brian A. Kremer (associate professor of performing arts), ““Rock the Musical Stage: Auditioning for Musical Theatre with Pop/Rock Songs”, National Association of Teachers of Singing National Conference, Chicago, Ill., July 2022.

Headshot of Devin A. Proctor.

Devin A. Proctor (assistant professor of sociology and anthropology), ““Hashtagging into Extremism: Tradlives, Tradwives, and the Rise of Radicalized Domesticity,” with A. Kinder, 121st American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, Wa., virtual, Nov. 9-13, 2022.

Headshot of Scott Windham.

Scott Windham (associate professor of world languages and cultures), “Community, Curriculum, Career: Practices for Growing German Programs,” American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Boston, Nov. 19, 2022.

Headshot of Pamela D. Winfield.

Pamela D. Winfield (professor of religious studies), “Displaying the Dharma in the Modern Museum,” American Academy of Religion (AAR) Annual Conference, Buddhism in the West and Buddhist Critical-Constructive Reflection Units, Denver, Colo., Nov. 20, 2022.

Selected Exhibitions and Performances

Headshot of Lynn A. Beck.

Lynn A. Beck (lecturer in music), Greensboro Symphony Orchestra: Masterworks, Pops, and Holiday Series, hornist, 18 concerts, Greensboro, N.C., January–December 2022.

Headshot of Polly B. Cornelius.

Polly B. Cornelius (senior lecturer in music), soprano vocalist, concert with William Lenihan, classical guitar, Saint James Church, Florence, Italy, June 29, 2022.

Headshot of Lauren W. Kearns.

Lauren W. Kearns (professor of dance), “Catching Light,” original choreography, performance at Murate Arts District, Florence, Italy, July 6, 2022.

Headshot of Courtney K. Liu.

Courtney K. Liu (assistant professor of performing arts) “Phantom of the Opera,” Cameron Mackintosh and the Really Useful Group, New York, N.Y., 60 performances throughout 2022.

Headshot of David J. McGraw.

David J. McGraw (associate professor of arts administration), “Rebellious,” Triad Stage, Greensboro, N.C., Oct. 4–23, 2022.

Headshot of Jen Guy Metcalf.

Jen Guy Metcalf, SWEAT Hong Kong International Dance Festival, Hong Kong, China, June 13–25, 2022.