About the Collection

The late Winston-Salem (N.C)- based artist Joseph Wallace King bequeathed dozens of his original works to Elon University upon his death in 1996. During his lifetime, Mr. King painted portraits of diplomats, politicians, royalty, local residents, and central figures from Elon University’s history. However, King was not solely a portrait artist; his catalogue of work ranges from early experimental expressionistic pieces to atmospheric landscapes. Additionally, under his pseudonym “Vinciata,” King produced works stylistically reminiscent of the High Renaissance masters.

Elon University’s Collection of Joseph Wallace King contains examples of each “period” or style he employed. Highlights include: an artist’s sketch of Richard Nixon, an early representation of Queen Elizabeth II, a self-portrait in the Vinciata style, and several expressionistic pieces.

The Joseph Wallace King Collection is currently closed. Meaning, that no donations are being accepted.