The Crime Studies Club is a student-led club dedicated to educating the Elon University community about the Criminal Justice Studies minor, professions in criminal justice, and all things related to the criminal legal system. The club hosts monthly meetings that include visits and talks from people in criminal justice professions as well as fun events like self-defense and training or simulation seminars, murder mysteries, field trips, and movie/TV show screening nights (where we show criminal justice related movies or television shows), just to name a few. We also support and participate in local causes and events like Walk a Mile in Her Shoes and Paint Alamance Pink, among others. The Crime Studies Club is open to anyone and everyone with any interest in criminal justice.


Crime Studies Club is currently seeking student officers for the 2024-25 academic year. If you are interested in holding a leadership role in this student organization, please contact the faculty advisor.

Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Elisha Savchak-Trogdon

Self-Defense Training Night with the Graham Police Department