The Environmental Studies Department is dedicated to continuously examining all aspects of our teaching, service, and professional activities to identify and address systemic inequities through the lens of environmental justice. We are inspired by the work of activists and academics alike who recognize multiple tenants of environmental justice:

  1. All communities should equitably share in environmental risk and benefits.
  2. The diversity of communities involved in the struggle for environmental justice should be recognized and celebrated.
  3. Participation in the process of obtaining environmental justice should be available to all.

We acknowledge that multiple forms of oppression currently exist, including structural racism and gender and class oppression; we also recognize the intersections among race, class, gender, sexual orientation, neurodiversity, and disability that shape barriers and opportunities to environmental justice.

We recognize that institutions of higher education hold power and privilege that can be used for good or harm. Equity in opportunity, outcomes, and belonging are foundational principles of environmental justice within our department and our work.

We make a commitment to collaborate with diverse communities through our teaching, service, and professional activities to better understand, communicate, and find solutions to how environmental injustice affects the experiences of those most affected by systemic inequities. We will strive to work with and respect students and community members as leaders, co-creators of knowledge, co-formulators of questions, and co-facilitators in building solutions as we endeavor to create a more just environment for all people.