Elon College Fellows Experiences and Requirements Checklist


All Elon College Fellows will:

  • Participate in all Fellows events.
  • Complete all components of the program including the ECF classes and progress updates.
  • Respond to inquiries for program-related information from the Fellows Directors.
  • Take a full load of challenging classes.
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2.
  • Demonstrate commitment to and progress towards completion of a high quality Fellows Project.
  • Represent the Fellows Program well at all times.

Year One Elon College Fellows will participate in:

  • ECF Picnic
  • ECF Elon 1010
  • ECF-affiliated section of COR 1100
  • Big Cat Colloquium
  • Winter Term course ECF 1110: ‘Paths of Inquiry with a 5 day trip to Washington, D.C.”

Year Two Elon College Fellows will:

  • Mentor First-year Fellows.
  • Enroll in FALL semester branch-specific interdisciplinary second-year seminar (ECF 2110, 2120, 2130).
  • Attend the fall third-year poster session and dinner.
  • Take classes in your major(s).
  • Declare a major by the end of your second-year.
  • Select a mentor by midterm of the spring semester.

Year Three Elon College Fellows will:

  • Begin independent research hours (ECF 4990) with a mentor, one hour must be taken with the third-year seminar.
  • Participate in a FALL semester branch-specific interdisciplinary third-year seminar (ECF 3110, 3120, 3130).
  • Participate in a fall third year poster session and dinner.
  • Complete a third-year progress report that shows progress towards the completion of your project.

Year Four Elon College Fellows will:

  • Complete the requirements for your major.
  • Work with a mentor to complete a high quality, intellectual and discipline-specific product.
  • Present work in a public forum.
  • Celebrate your work with your mentor (and perhaps thank them) at the Senior Fellows Dinner.