Statement of Activism

The Peace and Conflict Studies program seeks to help students manage and resolve conflict, prevent violence, and promote social justice in interpersonal relations, institutions, and society. We engage and support students and the broader Elon community in their activism through mentoring and guidance that fosters critical thinking and teaches practical methods of conflict mediation and resolution. Our courses and events contribute to an understanding of civil resistance and the causes of violence, and we encourage efforts to reduce conflict, promote peace, and pursue justice on the local, regional, national, and international levels.

Peace and Conflict Studies, Spring 2019


Statement regarding racial violence and police brutality

The Peace and Conflict Studies program condemns all acts of racial violence and police brutality. They are the manifestation of racial and patriarchal economic inequalities rooted deeply in the capitalist system. We believe that Black lives matter and support the struggles against racism and all forms of oppression and violence.

We stand in solidarity with our students, alumni, colleagues, and members of our community who are fighting for social justice, peace, and equality. We support actions and policies that are aimed at ending racial violence, militarized policing, and the prison industrial complex that brutalizes Black and Latinx communities.

Our mission supports protest and civil resistance with the ultimate goal of achieving social justice and peace. Without justice, there truly can be no peace.