The Journal welcomes submissions from undergraduates of any class or major; submissions from Pi Sigma Alpha members are encouraged. The Editorial Board routinely receives honors theses, senior seminar projects, capstone projects, and other original research papers produced in or out of class. Manuscripts may be submitted after graduation, as long as the research was completed while the author was an undergraduate. Following the lead of the 2020 APSR Editorial Board, “we strive to publish manuscripts of the highest quality in American politics, comparative politics, international relations, political theory, public law and policy, racial and ethnic politics, the politics of gender and sexuality, and qualitative and quantitative research methods.” Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts before they are accepted for publication.

Submitted manuscripts must include a short abstract (roughly 150 words), and citations and references should follow the APSA Style Manual for Political Science. The maximum page length for submitted manuscripts is 35 double-spaced pages. This page length includes everything – main body text, references, tables, figures, charts, and appendices.

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