Political Affairs

Voting Administration

Reviving Democracy: An Analysis of Ranked Choice Voting

By: Danny Nickel and Brandon Emons

Published: Fall 2023

Thumbnail of Reviving Democracy Policy Memo

Abstract: The policy memo grapples with the persistent issue of low voter turnout and voter apathy in the UnitedStates, revealing that approximately one-third of eligible voters abstained in the 2020 Presidential Election. It underscores the global context, ranking the U.S. 31st out of 49 countries in voter turnout. This memo identifies barriers to voting, such as restrictive registration and the perception that individual votes lack impact, presenting them as challenges to be addressed through policy reforms. Proposing ranked choice voting (RCV) as a remedy, the memo explores its implementation in Alaska, Maine, and New York, showcasing data indicating increased voter satisfaction, diverse candidate representation, and a more civil electoral discourse. The recommended policy approach advocates for a phased introduction of RCV, starting at the local and state levels, with the aim of gradually addressing voter disillusionment and enhancing democratic engagement.