
Sociology A.B.

Sociology courses develop what is sometimes called the “sociological imagination,” the ability to see clearly the relationship between the most intimate, seemingly private matters and the great patterns and issues that shape the character of the wider society. On the one hand, this means learning a range of theoretical, methodological and problem-solving skills that are central to this field. But it also means developing a set of ethical sensitivities that help one to understand sympathetically the widely differing circumstances of people and to support the development of respectful, compassionate communities. Fundamentally, sociology studies the patterning, problems and prospects of human relationships.

Sociology Degree Requirements & Courses

Anthropology A.B.

Anthropology is the study of humankind spanning millions of years and crossing the globe. Anthropologists seek to understand the human condition by answering questions about our past and our present as well as applying what we know to our future. An anthropological imagination—the ability to understand the social construction of cultural assumptions and embrace the overall human experience—is an integral part of personal growth and development and is designed to support students in choosing responsible and well-informed roles as citizens in an increasingly globalized world.

Anthropology Degree Requirements & Courses



Sociology Minor

Sociology Minor Requirements & Courses

Anthropology Minor

Anthropology Minor Requirements & Courses