Course Approval
WGSS Elective Course Approval for Faculty
If you are a faculty member preparing to teach a course that you believe could be a good elective for the WGSS minor, please read on!
The WGSS minor draws upon courses from various disciplines including Anthropology, Art History, Communications, Economics, English, History, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, etc. While developed within their particular fields, WGSS electives are multidisciplinary courses (including seminars, internships and independent study/research) that fulfill “critical inquiry about women, gender, sexualities, and feminism.”
Why submit your course as a WGSS elective?
- Participate in creating feminist community on campus
- Support students who are interested in thinking critically about gender &
- sexuality
- Support a minor that is committed to transformation
- Expand your visibility at Elon
- Attract interesting students to your courses!
Submission Process
A course can be submitted for approval at any time. However, in order to ensure that your course is properly represented as a WGSS elective in the registration materials (schedule booklet, OnTrack, catalog) for students’ pre-registration period, the course must have gone through the WGSS advisory board approval process prior to the time that the university schedule proofs are released to the chairs and program coordinators. For that reason, please keep the following timelines in mind.
Fall course – submit to WGSS by February 1.
Winter course – submit to WGSS by September 1.
Spring course – submit to WGSS by September 1.
Summer course – submit to WGSS by December 1.
Missed the deadline? No worries, you can still submit!
If the above deadlines are not met, the course may still go through the approval process and, if approved, will count for minors, but it will be an after-the-fact notice (not indicated in pre/registration materials).