Through Love School of Business courses, students develop important leadership skills, such as oral and written communications, decision-making, persuasion, team building, innovation and motivation. Students further develop and practice their leadership skills through co-curricular activities, including case competitions, consulting projects and student organizations. Fifty-four percent of Love School of Business majors in the Class of 2022 reported serving in a leadership position for a student organization while attending Elon.

Examples of leadership positions include Lambda Chi Alpha Alumni Relations Officer, Men’s Club Basketball Business Manager, Asian Studies Vice President, Habitat for Humanity Fundraising Chair, Student Union Board Programming Chair, Elon’s Finest Public Relations Representative, Elon Irish Dance Club Treasurer, Alpha Kappa Psi Ritual Chair, Sigma Kappa PHC Delegate and Campus Recreation Team Leader.

Students develop their leadership skills when they lead student organizations, participate in competitions, work to develop new business ventures or consulting projects, lead social and athletic groups, and participate in internships. For example, competitions help students hone their abilities to research and develop the arguments needed to persuade others toward problem solutions. Our student organizations provide students with significant practice leading groups and leading efforts to make positive change.

Robert Moorman, Frank S. Holt Jr. Professor of Business Leadership