From Classroom to Market
The services offered in the William Garrard Reed Finance Center enhance the experiences of students in finance studies as well as those enrolled in economics, accounting and policy courses. The Reed Finance Center gives students in all disciplines an opportunity to view live stock, bond, futures, currency and options markets, and the interactions among them.
The Reed Finance Center also exposes students and faculty to research and analysis tools used by investment bankers, financial planners, finance executives and securities analysts. These tools, which include Bloomberg, FactSet, Hedge Fund Research Database and Wharton Research Database (WRDS), help students better understand the financial world, and how to create and employ financial data.
Located on the first floor of the Ernest A. Koury, Sr. Business Center, the center provides opportunities for students’ professional development outside of their classes to hone their skills needed to usher the field of finance into the future. The center sponsors training, such as Wall Street Prep, to develop their quantitative abilities, and mentors case competitions designed to utilize the knowledge they have learned in classes to real world applications. The center also creates programs to equip students with the knowledge and expertise to choose their career and navigate the interview process – speaker seminar series, mock superdays and advising on various career paths.
Reed Finance Center student assistants are available during the academic year to help students and faculty with the software and tools in the center.