
Marketing Major

Build the skills needed to deliver value in the form of goods and services for your customers. The professional sales focus allows you to develop core skills in selling and sales management, which help generate demand. The digital marketing focus will teach you to gather and analyze customer intelligence using market research and consumer analytics.

Marketing Degree Requirements & Courses

Professional Sales Focus

Marketing majors who choose to pursue a focus in sales should take MKT 3180 Professional Selling, MKT 4190 Sales Management, MKT 4200 Customer Relationship Management and MKT 4210 Advanced Selling Techniques. Marketing Majors cannot minor in Professional Sales. These students are also strongly advised to complete their internship in the area of professional sales.

Learn more about Professional Sales

Digital Marketing Focus

Marketing majors who choose to pursue a focus in digital marketing should take MKT 4250 Digital Marketing, MKT 4260 Marketing Analytics, MGT 3100 Foundations of Business Analytics and MGT 4260 Data Mining for Managerial Decision Making.

Learn more about Digital Marketing

Supply Chain Management Major

A successful business is one which can balance demand for goods and services with a supply of goods and services. This creates satisfied customers and a competitive advantage. Employers are putting greater emphasis on individuals who can manage the supply chain for goods and services. One of the best places to understand how a business works and interacts with its customers is in the operations and supply chain area. Learn skills in forecasting, statistical process control, process and capacity management, distribution and warehouse management along with lean methodologies. Learn how to use data for decision making and the use of forecasting techniques for demand planning throughout the supply chain. All businesses have supply chains and these skills will make you a sought after individual for employment.

Learn more about Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management Degree Requirements & Courses


Professional Sales

Professional Sales Minor Requirements & Courses

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management Minor Requirements & Courses