The Center promotes the education, research and practice of analytics across Elon’s campus.


The curriculum goals and activities of the Center provide support to increase and improve the analytics-oriented components of Elon’s undergraduate and graduate courses, and to produce students who are proficient in the current practices and applications of analytics.


The research goals and activities of the Center address emerging challenges encountered by analytics practitioners, while also providing support for campus-wide research initiatives in the field of data analytics.


The practice goals and activities of the Center are grounded in collaborative interaction with the business community. The Center hosts thought leaders and practitioners in analytics to share their insights with students, faculty and professionals, as well as events aimed at exploring emerging trends in analytics and facilitating discussions on careers within the field.

The Center also provides Elon students opportunities to develop hands-on analytics experience through paid internships and consulting projects.

What we do

  • Develop real-world data analysis opportunities for students through projects, competitions and internships
  • Cultivate research partnerships between industry partners and faculty
  • Create a talent pipeline of employment between companies, graduates and undergraduates
  • Host events that offer new insights into analytic tools and approaches