Common Career Paths for Business Analytics Majors

Internship Employers

Top Companies

Volvo, Fidelity, EY, MetLife

Salary Information

Salary Information for 2022-2023
Median Mean
Business Analytics – Elon Class of 2023 $76,500 $74,885
Management – NACE* 2022 $61,970

*NACE is the National Association of Colleges and Employers, which surveys colleges and employers nationwide to provide annual salary information.

Where are Elon Business Analytics Alumni?

Top Companies

  • 2021: JP Morgan, L’Oreal, Deloitte, Spectrum, Horizon Media, The Home Depot, Accenture

Top Fields

Class of 2019-2021 Business Analytics Majors bar graph with bars for Marketing, Finance, Consulting and Analytics. Marketing, Finance and Consulting are marked 1. Analytics is marked 2.

This is a breakdown of the different fields that Business Analytics alumni work in, with the most working in analytics, making up around 40% of all Business Analytics graduates.

Top Locations

Map of the United States with New York, Deleware, Virginia and North Carolina highlighted.

Business Analytics alumni are in four states, with a majority being in North Carolina.

Business Analytics Major

Learn about Elon’s Business Analytics major

Business Analytics degree requirements & courses