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Certificate in Inclusive Teaching
The Certificate of Inclusive Teaching as a collaboration between the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning and the Office of Inclusive Excellence Education and Development. The semester-long experience offers an opportunity to reflect and engage in a faculty learning community focused on diversity, equity and inclusion in the classroom. Through the Certificate you will gain common language to articulate your teaching practices and will support the development of a portfolio of tools for your classroom and beyond. Learn more about the success of the Spring 2024 here!
Certificate goals:
Critically reflect on and thoughtfully articulate your individual, disciplinary, and institutional positionality and its impact on equity-minded teaching and learning practices.
Integrate conceptual and theoretical DEI frameworks into your individual teaching and learning practices.
Build practical strategies to support your disciplinary specific equity-minded teaching and learning practices.
Foster an equity-minded teaching culture within and beyond your disciplinary and departmental community.
Engage in a campus community dedicated to holding space for courageous and curious conversations.
Develop an inclusive professional framework. This may include reflecting on how to integrate equity-minded practices across your campus roles (e.g. teacher, scholar, mentor, academic advisor, student org advisor, etc.)
The Certificate of Inclusive Teaching incorporates a faculty learning community model alongside a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Participating in the certificate will ask you to complete the MOOC developed through HHMI Biointeractive, while also committing to engaging in a faculty learning community that involves complimentary activities and discussion. While the MOOC was initially developed with STEM faculty in mind, our faculty learning community discussions and supplemental activities will engage colleagues across all disciplines.
What format will it be in?
In addition to signing up and completing the MOOC, participants will join one of two faculty learning communities:
Option 1A blended experience that pairs in-person discussions with asynchronous online reflective activities via Moodle. Five in-person meetings will meet over lunch (food will be provided) from 12:15 – 1:30pm. *Note: If you anticipate missing more than one in-person session, please select Option 2. |
Option 2A fully asynchronous cohorted experience that incorporates online reflective and discussion-based activities via Moodle. These activities will be completed at your own pace and on your own schedule, although there is the expectation that they are completed within a specific 3 – 4 week timeframe to ensure you are engaging with your peers online.
What is the start date?
Both options will open the week of August 19, 2024 via Moodle. Reflections and discussions for both online and in-person will start the week of September 6, although, you can complete the HHMI Biointeractive MOOC at prior to those dates.
What is the time commitment?
The HHMI Biointeractive MOOC takes ~15 – 20 hours to complete in full, with each of the 6 modules taking 3 – 4 hours to complete. Each month, you will be expected to engage in one module, as well as 2 – 2.5 hours of supplementary activities (e.g., journal reflection, online discussion, in-person discussion). You should plan on committing at least 5 hours a month to engaging in certificate programming.
Who can participate?
Space is limited and priority will be given to Associate, Full professors, and Senior lecturers. However, special consideration will be made for Assistant professors and lecturers that can demonstrate an active interest in DEI professional development in their work.
Following this Spring’s pilot program, we anticipate that future cohorts of participants will be invited and drawn from across ranks.
How do you receive your certificate?
A Certificate of completion will be award through the Provost’s office upon completion of both the HHMI Biointeractive MOOC and for participating and all activities associated with your faculty learning community by January 31, 2025.
How can I register?
Registration will be open soon!