New Full-time Faculty Orientation

Elon’s year-long orientation program for new full-time, permanent faculty member starts the Tuesday of Planning Week (the week before classes start) with an all-day orientation session. The Planning Week session is followed by monthly, Friday afternoon sessions throughout the year, designed to help you learn more about the expectations and resources available to support your career as an Elon teacher-scholar-mentor.

You’ll find specific dates/times for these on the Important Dates page and materials from these sessions will be posted on the CATL New Faculty Moodle site.

If you have questions about new faculty orientation, contact CATL at See also the New Faculty Checklist for helpful information to help you prepare for the semester. Pre-registered participants will receive an email with more information about the session.

New Adjunct Faculty Orientations

During Planning week, all new part- or full-time adjunct faculty are invited to attend an evening orientation session, which is held in in-person and online formats. You’ll find the date/time and how to register on the Important Dates page.

In addition to helpful information about teaching at Elon, you’ll learn more about a number of useful resources on the New Faculty website, including information about Moodle (our learning management system) and OnTrack, where you will access your class roll and submit your grades.

If you have questions prior to the orientation, or if you cannot attend but would like to learn more as you prepare for the semester, contact CATL at See also the New Faculty Checklist for helpful information to help you prepare for the semester.