Studio Shows
“Elon Phoenix Weekly” is a student-produced sports show that airs regionally on Spectrum channels in North Carolina. The 30-minute show began airing in 2006 in a five-county region. It airs when classes are in session, and it is a joint venture between the School of Communications and the Athletics Department. The program was awarded a national first-place prize for Best News/Sports Feature from the Association of Higher Education Cable Television Administrators. The award went to alumna Tiffany Lyons, the student producer of “Phoenix Weekly” at the time, and the entry was a compilation that included an interview with Elon alumnus Jack McKeon, who led the Florida Marlins to the World Series title in 2003.
“One on One Sports” is more than just a sports debate TV show, it is a multimedia convergence project. Student broadcasters debate hot topics in sports from football to NASCAR. In 2009, it won a College Emmy for Best News Broadcast. Alumni currently work at ESPN, SEC Network, New Orleans Pelicans (NBA), USA Baseball, WJHG-TV (NBC affiliate), and more.