What is the Core? Why do I need to take these classes?

The Elon Core Curriculum is the general education curriculum for all undergraduate students, no matter their major at Elon.  Think of it as your “first major”…and with 56-60sh, it has more required credits than many majors! All students at Elon take Core classes in all different subject areas for a well-rounded education. Classes can range from expression classes such as dance or art, to a statistics course. Classes are available in many different areas. To further enhance a student’s education, Elon believes it is necessary to take fundamental Core classes to express yourself and learn more than just what your major can teach you.

Why do I need to take Core classes (like civilization or expression)?

To gain wider insight and knowledge into a variety of subject areas, and to develop skills and competencies that prepare you for a meaningful life and career, such as critical thinking and communication skills. You might think you know what you want to pursue, but until you have an opportunity to take courses outside your major, you may never know what else piques your interest. Taking Core classes also allows you to gain insight into courses that you may also want to take in the future, or possibly even a minor or second major.

What exactly is COR 1100, The Global Experience, that we must take in our first year?

It is a course that introduces you to global perspectives, critical thinking skills, and the broader transition to college life and is composed of only first-year students. It allows you to form new friendships and offers the opportunity to interact with different groups of people outside your major.

How do I figure out what is a civilization/society/expression class if it is not in the class description?

OnTrack lets you sort classes based on “Course Type”, where you can search by how it counts (in Expression, Society, etc).

When should I be taking these classes? Do I wait until the end or start at the beginning of my college career?

It is recommended to spread them out. While you are abroad you will have more opportunities to take advanced studies courses, so you may want to leave a few for the end of your college experience. However, it is best not to leave all Core classes until the end, as you need to be fully in your major as you approach graduation.

Why do different professors teach different things in the Global Experience class? Why is it not mainstreamed so every class is the same (ex: some professors are harder than others)?

This allows for professors to have the creative freedom to organize the class as best suits their interests and the interests of the students. Some instructors might be harder than others. However, they all share learning goals and the common reading, as well as the main focus of helping you acclimate to college.

Why can't I take a fun Capstone class?

They are all fun. It just might not be your first choice.

Why do I need both a senior capstone for my major and another Integrative Core Capstone Seminar for the Core requirement?

As a liberal arts college or university, Elon asks students to take Capstone courses to conclude both your Core Curriculum–your “first major”–as well as your major field of study. Acting as a bookend to COR 1100, acquiring that last bit of a well-rounded education will not only challenge you outside of your major, but better prepare you as you head off into the world.

How can I take the same class as my friends?

You can try and plan your classes with your friends. However, we recommend you take the classes that are best suited for you.

Is there a way to recommend a professor to teach a class?

You can always bring that up to the professor and ask if they would be willing to teach a specific class. However, the classes they teach are up to them and planned a year in advance.

Is there a way to skip Global or the Core Capstone?

No. It is pivotal for your college education to acquire those final courses and set you up for success in the future and to conclude work in your major.  However, transfer students with 18+ transferred credits may waive COR 1100 (but never the Core Capstone).

How can I see what the professor is going to focus on in COR 1100 before I sign up for it?

You can look at who the professor is (if listed) and see what department they are in to get some idea. However, it is best to keep an open mind…you may be surprised by what you learn from a professor who is outside of your main area!

What semester should I take COR 1100? 

First or second semester of your first year is the recommended time to take COR 1100 – The Global Experience.

Is there a way to skip over English 1100?

If you place out of the course via AP or transfer/dual-enrollment credit, then you do not have to take it.  Otherwise, it is a crucial class to develop your college writing skills and knowledge.

Why is COR 1100 the hardest class to take?

It is not the hardest class, but it is also not the easiest class. Every class is what you put into it. If you put energy, time, and effort into the course, it will not be as difficult.

Why are most Core Capstones just writing a paper? How does that help me in the future?

Not all Core Capstones are just writing a paper. These courses offer much more as you gain insight into the subject matter. Plus, no matter your job or career, you will need the skills to write clearly and concisely, even if it is just in an email.