Select Bibliography on University Service

Filetti, Jean S. “Assessing service in faculty reviews: mentoring faculty and developing transparency.” Mentoring & tutoring: partnership in learning 17.4 (2009): 343-352.

Jafar, Afshan. “Hang together or hang separately: The Importance of participating in governance on small campuses.” Academe 103.3 (2017): 10-14.

O’Meara, KerryAnn. “Uncovering the values in faculty evaluation of service as scholarship.” The Review of Higher Education 26.1 (2002): 57-80.

O’Maera, KerryAnn, Alexandra Kuvaeva, Gudrun Nyunt, Chelsea Waugaman and Rose Jackson. “Asked More Often: Gender Differences in Faculty Workload in Research Universities and the Work Interactions That Shape Them.” American Educational Research Journal Month XXXX, Vol. XX, No. X, pp. 1–33 DOI: 10.3102/0002831217716767.. 2017 AERA.

Porter, Stephen R. “A closer look at faculty service: What affects participation on committees?” The Journal of Higher Education 78.5 (2007): 523-541.

Pyke, Karen. “Service and gender inequity among faculty.” PS: Political Science & Politics 44.1 (2011): 85-87.

Books (available in Belk Library or the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning)

Blackburn, Robert T. and Janet H. Lawrence. Faculty at Work: Motivation, Expectation, Satisfaction. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1995.

Braskamp, Larry A. and John C. Ory. Assessing Faculty Work: Enhancing Individual and Institutional Performance. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1994.

Buller, Jeffrey L. The Essential College Professor: A Practical Guide to an Academic Career. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010.

Centra, John A. Reflective Faculty Evaluation: Enhancing Teaching and Determining Faculty Effectiveness. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1993.

Fairweather, James S. Faculty Work and Public Trust: Restoring the Value of Teaching and Public Service in American Academic Life. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1996.

Finsen, Lawry. “Faculty as Institutional Citizens: Reconceiving Service and Governance Work.” A New Academic Compact: Revisioning the Relationship between Faculty and Their Institutions, ed. by Linda McMillin and William G. Berberet. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing, 2002.

Lucas, Christopher J. and John W Murray, Jr.  New Faculty: A Practical Guide for Academic Beginners. New York: Palgrave, 2002.

Marshall, William J. A. “University Service.” The Full-Time Faculty Handbook, ed. by Virginia Bianco-Mathis and Neal Chalofsky. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1999.

O’Meara, Kerry Ann. “Inside the panopticon: Studying academic reward systems.” Higher education: Handbook of theory and research. Springer Netherlands, 2011. 161-220.

Shaker, Genevieve G., ed. Faculty Work and the Public Good: Philanthropy, Engagement, and Academic Professionalism. New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 2015.

Seldin, Peter, and J. Elizabeth Miller. The Academic Portfolio: A Practical Guide to Documenting Teaching, Research, and Service. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2009.

Ward, Kelly. Faculty Service Roles and the Scholarship of Engagement. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report: Volume 29, Number 5. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003.

E-Books (available through Belk Library’s online catalog)

Evans, Elrena, and Caroline Grant. Mama, PhD: women write about motherhood and academic life. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2008

Garcia, Mildred and Yolanda T Moses. Succeeding in an Academic Career: A Guide for Faculty of Color. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000.

Linked In: Perform Other Duties as Assigned 

Faculty Wellness, Well-being, and Safety Bibliography

Brinthaupt, Thomas M, Arielle Neal, and Sheila Otto. 2016. “A Faculty Wellness Workshop Series: Leveraging On-Campus Expertise.” To Improve the Academy 35 (2): 377–94.

Gmelch, Walter H. 1993. Coping with Faculty Stress. Survival Skills for Scholars, V. 5. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications.

Heath, Douglas H. 1981. Faculty Burnout, Morale, and Vocational Adaptation. Focus, Monographs on Current Issues in Educational Philosophy and Practice. Boston, Mass.: National Association of Independent Schools.

Hubbard, Glenda T, Sally S Atkins, and Kathleen T Brinko. 1998. “Holistic Faculty Development: Supporting Personal, Professional, and Organizational Well-Being.” To Improve the Academy 17 (1): 35–49.

Jackson, Jerlando F. L, and Melvin C Terrell. 2011. Creating and Maintaining Safe College Campuses. Dulles: Stylus Publishing.

Melendez, Winifred Albizu, Guzmán Rafael M. de, and ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education. 1983. Burnout: The New Academic Disease. Ashe-Eric Higher Education Research Report, No. 9, 1983. Washington, D.C.: Association for the Study of Higher Education.

Montsi, Mercy R, Elias Mpofu, and Bonkamile E Odirile. 2009. “Career Coping and Subjective Well-Being among University Employees.” Perspectives in Education 27 (3): 247–57.