2023-2024 Representatives


Connie Book (President)

Rebecca Kohn (Provost)

Susan Ladd (ex officio)

Marnia McIntyre (Program Assistant)

College of Arts & Sciences

Jill Auditori

Bethany Brinkman

Polly Cornelius

Kirstie Doehler

Stephen Futrell

Rosemary Haskell

Fred Johnson

Joel Shelton

Rissa Trachman

Aaron Trocki

Love School of Business

Lawrence Garber, Jr.

Danny Lauier

Lin Zhao

School of Communication

Bill Anderson

Nicole Triche

School of Health Sciences

Cindy Bennett

Tracey Thurnes

School of Law

David Levine

Patricia Perkins

Watts-Williams School of Education

Heidi Hollingsworth

Scott Morrison

Lynda Butler-Storsved

University At-Large

Jill Auditori

Allison Bryan

Cora Dalfy

Stephen Futrell

Mina Garcia

Elena Schoonmaker-Gates

Staff with Faculty Rank

Jesse Ackman

Allison Bryan




2022-2023 Representatives


Connie Book (President)

Rebecca Kohn (Provost)

Vickie Moore (UCC, ex officio)

Melissa McBane (Program Assistant)

College of Arts & Sciences

Jillian Auditori

Polly Cornelius

Kirstie Doehler

Stephen Futrell

Jason Husser

Kevin Otos

Karl Sienerth

Rissa Trachman

Love School of Business

Lawrence Garber, Jr.

Lin Zhao

School of Communication

Young Do Kim

Nicole Triche

School of Health Sciences

Cindy Bennett

Tracey Thurnes

School of Law

David Levine

Patricia Perkins

Watts-Williams School of Education

Lynda Butler-Storsved

Heidi Hollingsworth

University At-Large

Cora Palfy

Staff with Faculty Rank

Allison Bryan


Jim Roberts

2021-2022 Representatives


Connie Book (President)

Aswani Volety (Provost)

Jason Kirk (UCC, ex officio)

Melissa McBane (Program Assistant)

2019 – 2022

Jillian Auditori

Chrystal Carpenter

2020 -2023

Jason Husser

Julie Lellis

Kevin Otos

Karl Sienerth

Lynda Butler-Storsved

2021 – 2022

Allison Bryan

Cora Palfy

2021 – 2023

Rosey Bao

David Levine

Jim Roberts

2021 – 2024

Polly Cornelius

Kirstin Doehler

Heidi Hollingsworth

Danny Lanier

Patty Perkins

Rissa Trachman

Nicole Triche

2020-2021 Representatives


Connie Book (President)

Aswani Volety (Provost)

Jason Kirk (UCC, ex officio)

Shannon Kimball (Program Assistant)


Stephen Bailey (SoHS)

Lee Bush (Comm)

Tom Green (Soc/Bev Sci)

Rosemary Haskell (Arts/Hum)

Martin Kamela (Math/Nat Sci)

Brian Lyons (Business)

Jeff Carpenter (Education)


Jillian Auditori (Part-Time Rep)


Matthew Buckmaster (Staff w/ Fac Rank)

Chrystal Carpenter (at large)

Paula Patch (at large)

Megan Squire (at large)


Susan Anderson (Business)

Jason Husser (Soc/Bev Science)

Julie Lellis (Comm)

Melissa Murfin (SoHS)

Kevin Otos (Arts/Hum)

Karl Sienerth (Math/Nat Science)

Lynda Butler-Storsved (Education)

2019-2020 Representatives


Connie Book (President)

Aswani Volety (Provost)

Jason Kirk (UCC, ex officio)

Shannon Kimball (Program Assistant)


Dan Haygood (Comm)

Charity Johansson (SoHS)

Catherine Chiang (Business)

Rod Clare (Soc/Bev Sci)

Karen Yokley (Math/Nat Sci)

Mina Garcia Soormally (Arts/Hum)

Mark Enfield (Education)


Lee Bush (Comm)

Stephen Bailey (SoHS)

Brian Lyons (Business)

Tom Green (Soc/Bev Sci)

Martin Kamela (Math/Nat Sci)

Rosemary Haskell (Arts/Hum)

Jeff Carpenter (Education)


Jill Auditori (Part-time Representative)


Matt Buckmaster (Staff w/Fac Rank)

Chrystal Carpenter (at-large)

Paula Patch (at-large)

Megan Squire (at-large)

2018-2019 Representatives


  • Connie Book (President)
  • Steven House (Provost)
  • Crista Arangala (UCC, ex officio)
  • Jeana Schickedantz (Program Assistant)
  • Joan Dawson (Provost’s office)


  • Prudence Layne (at-large)
  • Pamela Winfield (at-large)
  • Dianne Ford (at-large)
  • Susan Patton (Staff with Faculty Rank)


Billy Summers (Part-time Rep)


  • Glenn Scott (Comm)
  • Stephen Bailey (SoHS)
  • Catherine Chiang (Business)
  • Jason Kirk (Soc Sci)
  • Karen Yokley (Math/Sci)
  • Mina Garcia-Soormally (Arts/Hum)
  • Mark Enfield (Education)


  • Lee Bush (Comm)
  • Patti Ragan (SoHS)
  • Brian Lyons (Business)
  • Tom Green (Soc Sci)
  • Martin Kamela (Math/Sci)
  • Rosemary Haskell (Arts/Hum)
  • Jeff Carpenter (Education)

2017-2018 Representatives


  • Connie Book (President)
  • Steven House (Provost)
  • Crista Arangala (UCC, ex officio)
  • Jeana Schickedantz (Program Assistant)
  • Joan Dawson (Provost’s office)


  • Phillip Motley (Comm)
  • Bill Andrews (SoHS)
  • * Brian Lyons (Business) – Spring 2018 Sabbatical replacement for Steve DeLoach
  • Tom Green (Soc Sci)
  • Joel Karty (Math/Sci)
  • Nina Namaste (Arts/Hum)
  • * Lynda Butler-Storsved (Education) – Spring 2018 Sabbatical replacement for Carol Smith


  • Prudence Layne (at-large)
  • Pam Winfield (at-large)
  • Laurin Kier (at-large)
  • Susan Patton (Staff with Faculty Rank)


  • Billy Summers (Part-time Rep)


  • Dan Haygood (Comm)
  • Steve Bailey (SoHS)
  • Catherine Chiang (Business)
  • Jason Kirk (Soc Sci)
  • Karen Yokley (Math/Sci)
  • Mina Garcia Soormally (Arts/Hum)
  • Mark Enfield (Education)

2016-2017 Representatives


Leo Lambert

Steven House

Jeff Clark (UCC, ex officio)

Patty Rooney

Joan Dawson (Provost’s office)


Prudence Layne (at-large)

Pam Winfield (at-large)

Laurin Kier (at-large)


Phillip Motley (Comm)

Bill Andrews (SoHS, replaced Johanna Janssen)

Steve DeLoach (Business)

Tom Green (Soc Sci)

Joel Karty (Math/Sci)

Matt Buckmaster (Arts and Hum)

Carol Smith (Education)


Dave Gammon (Math/Sci)

Deborah Stetts (SoHS)

Ashley Hairston (Arts and Hum)

Jim Bissett (Soc Sci)

Neeraj Gupta (Business)

Jeffrey Carpenter (Education, replaced Rich Mihans)

Byung Lee (Comm)

Support Staff with Faculty Rank

Susan Patton

Part-time Rep

Leigh-Ann Whittle

2015-2016 Representatives


  • Leo Lambert (President)
  • Steven House (VPAA)
  • Jeff Clark (UCC Chair)
  • Patty Rooney

Division Representatives 2015-2018

  • Johanna Janssen (SoHS)
  • Matt Buckmaster (Arts and Hum)
  • Joel Karty, Chair-elect (NatS)
  • Phillip Motley (Comm)
  • Carol Smith (Education)
  • Steven DeLoach (Business)
  • Tom Green (Soc Sci)

Division Representatives 2014-2017

  • Jim Bissett (Soc Sci)
  • Dave Gammon (NatS)
  • Neeraj (Raj) Gupta (Business)
  • Ashley Hairston (Arts and Hum)
  • Byung Lee (Comm)
  • Richard Mihans (Education)
  • Debbie Stetts (SoHS)

At-Large Members 2013-2016

  • Skip Allis (Past Chair)
  • Wally Bixby (AC Chair)
  • Stephen Futrell

Support Staff with Faculty Rank

Shannon Tennant

Adjunct Representative 2013-2015

Leigh Ann Wittle

2014-2015 Representatives


  • Leo Lambert (President)
  • Steven House (VPAA)
  • Jeff Clark (UCC Chair)
  • Patty Rooney

Division Representatives 2012-2015

  • Sue Chinworth (SoHS)
  • Yoram Lubling (Arts and Hum)
  • Joel Karty (NatS)
  • George Padgett (Comm)
  • Carol Smith, Past Chair (Education)
  • Christy Benson (Business)
  • Bud Warner (Soc Sci)

Division Representatives 2014-2017

  • Jim Bissett (Soc Sci)
  • Dave Gammon (NatS)
  • Neeraj (Raj) Gupta (Business)
  • Ashley Hairston (Arts and Hum)
  • Byung Lee (Comm)
  • Richard Mihans (Education)
  • Debbie Stetts (SoHS)

At-Large Members 2013-2016

  • Skip Allis, AC Chair
  • Wally Bixby, Chair-elect
  • Stephen Futrell

Support Staff with Faculty Rank

Shannon Tennant

Adjunct Representative 2013-2015

Billy Summers

2013-2014 Representatives


  • Leo Lambert (President)
  • Steven House (VPAA)
  • Vic Costello (UCC Chair)
  • Patty Rooney

Division Representatives 2012-2015

  • George Padgett (Comm)
  • Sue Chinworth (SoHS)
  • Christy Benson (Business)
  • Bud Warner (Soc Sci)
  • Kathy Matera (NatS)
  • Yoram Lubling (Arts and Hum
  • Carol Smith, AC Chair (Education)

Division Representative 2011-2014

  • Christa Arangala (NatS)
  • Janet Cope (SoHS)
  • Rosemary Haskell (Arts and Hum)
  • Charles Irons (Soc Sci)
  • Greg Lilly (Business)
  • Richard Mihans (Education)
  • Frances Ward-Johnson (Comm)

At-Large Members 2013-2016

  • Skip Allis, Chair-elect
  • Wally Bixby
  • Stephen Futrell

Support Staff with Faculty Rank 2013-2016

  • Johanna Janssen

Adjunct Representative 2012-2014

  • Billy Summers



2012-2013 Representatives


  • Leo Lambert (President)
  • Steven House (VPAA)
  • Vic Costello (UCC Chair)
  • Beth DeFord

Division Representatives 2012-2015

  • Jemane Yeager (SSWFR)
  • Michelle Ferrier (Comm)
  • Sue Chinworth (SoHS)
  • Betsy Stevens (Business)
  • Bud Warner (Soc Sci)
  • Kathy Matera (NatS)
  • Yoram Lubling (Arts and Hum)
  • Carol Smith (Education)

Division Representative 2011-2014

  • Crista Arangala (NatS)
  • Charles Irons (Soc Sci)
  • Maureen Ihrie (Arts and Hum)
  • Greg Lilly (Business)
  • Richard Mihans (Education)
  • Frances Ward-Johnson (Comm)

At-Large Members 2010-2013

  • David Copeland
  • Mat Gendle, AC Chair
  • Cassie Kircher, past Chair

Adjunct Representative 2012-2014

  • Billy Summers

2011-2012 Representatives


  • Leo Lambert (President)
  • Steven House (VPAA)
  • Jean Schwind (UCC Chair)
  • Beth DeFord

Division Representatives 2009-2012

  • Dianne Ford
  • Anthony Hatcher
  • Steve Folger
  • Kevin O’Mara

Division Representatives 2010-2012

  • Judy Esposito
  • Karl Sienerth
  • Kirby Wahl

Division Representative 2011-2014

  • Crista Arangala
  • Charles Irons
  • Maureen Ihrie
  • Greg Lilly
  • Richard Mihans
  • Carol Smith
  • Frances Ward-Johnson

At-Large Members 2010-2013

  • David Copeland
  • Mat Gendle, Chair Elect
  • Cassie Kircher, AC Chair

Adjunct Representative 2011-2012

  • Billy Summers