Faculty are encouraged to use this page to access resources and answers to some of the questions we hear most frequently from our colleagues. If you have a question or resource you’d like us to share on the page, submit your comments here.

Disabilities Resources for Faculty

Does the Faculty Handbook or Employee Manual provide language about faculty requests for accommodations under the American with Disabilities Act?

Yes, check here to learn more about what the Faculty Handbook says about the Faculty Accommodation Request Procedure.

Who is the Disabilities Coordinator for faculty and other employees?

Faculty requesting an accommodation or with questions about ADA policy should contact TJ Bowie.


Employee Assistance Program

What is the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and what does it cover?

Elon Work-Life Resources is an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) program that provides university employees (and their families) access to confidential, caring support to address a variety of personal or professional issues. This resource is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at no charge.

Learn more about the Elon Work-Life Resources program


Faculty Expertise

How do I find faculty members with expertise in different areas, including proficiency or competency in different languages?

Perhaps one of the most under-utilized resources on the Elon website is the “Areas of expertise” feature of the faculty directory and the Elon University Writers Syndicate. Faculty and staff are encouraged to update their individual profile pages so that those seeking their expertise (students, colleagues, media organizations and the general public) can find them.



What are student rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?

This section of the Academic Catalog outlines student rights under FERPA.

To learn more about FERPA, visit the FERPA website on ed.gov.

What are some of the most frequently asked questions (and answers) about FERPA?

The Office of the Registrar has answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about FERPA.

Are there additional resources faculty should know about FERPA?

Download the Office of the Registrar’s FERPA guide here.


    Teaching Resources

    Where can I find the resources and support to learn more about High-Impact teaching Practices and to improve my teaching?

    Elon has several offices and ways of supporting faculty interested in improving their teaching. Visit the New Faculty website for a listing of some of these resources.

    Center for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning