Faculty Fellows
The Faculty Fellows typically serve as a connection between student life and academic affairs. Their work is often focused on providing support for teaching-learning experiences beyond the classroom, and also on bringing these experiences back to the classroom. Though they work directly with faculty and staff, their aim is the deepening of student learning.
Typically, Faculty Fellows:
- Engage faculty and staff in meaningful and regularly scheduled development opportunities.
- Maintain resources for faculty and staff on the topic area that can be used throughout the year.
- Partner and meet regularly with offices and departments on campus that support the subject of their fellowships, and in doing so represent the work of faculty on the subject.
- Attend staff meetings, sit on relevant councils, and provide service as committees undertake initiatives surrounding the subject they represent.
- Develop annual goals in consultation with academic and student affairs that are consistent with the strategic plans of the university and the subject/topic offices and departments.
- Stay abreast of current best practices in higher education related to the experience/program they represent.
- Provide leadership in national and regional conferences and share the learned expertise back on campus with the academic community.
- Are tenured or continued faculty members who are committed to becoming subject leaders on campus in the topic areas of their fellowships.
- Serve a term of four years.
- Report to the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs unless otherwise indicated.
- Meet regularly with the Provost’s Office supervisor and share progress on goals and assessments developed to ensure established benchmarks are being met.
- Provide an end-of-year report on activities related to their fellowship.
- Write an annual self-assessment of their fellowship performance that can be included in the faculty member’s Unit I & Unit III.