Mission and Goals
The Center will foster innovative, interdisciplinary, inter-institutional collaboration and research on global engagement (international and domestic). It will support faculty, staff, and student efforts to enhance their own scholarship, foster collaboration with national and international partners, and build a community of practice for scholarship on global learning experiences.
- Communities of Practice (CoP) Development: CRGE will foster multiple CoPs per year to create sustained structured space for connection, deep dialogue, and new knowledge formation that will be incorporated into professional and personal practices. New models of CoPs, with international partners, will be explored.
- Research Funding & Promotion: CRGE will fund and promote research projects for Elon faculty, staff, and students, deepen scholarly engagement within specific thematic areas of focus, and support knowledge-praxis connections through professional development opportunities.
- Research Collaborative: CRGE will act as a focal point for collaboration, partnership, and joint ventures with teacher-scholars, students, and practitioners, locally, nationally, and internationally, to create and deepen opportunities for research and resources for improving practice.

Students abroad in Hawaii, Winter ’24