Students in this course practice ethical data collection by collaboratively generating an original informed consent form and going through the IRB process. Students work with multiple datasets, including originally collected survey data, General Social Survey data, and student-collected state-level data on social indicators (e.g., CDC overdose death rates, BLS unemployment rates). Students use these datasets to gain experience with descriptive statistics, bivariate analysis (ANOVA, Chi-square tests), and multivariate analysis (OLS regression, logistic regression). Students identify appropriate statistical tests given the variables’ levels of measurement, and explain why particular analytic strategies are inappropriate. Students also export data from Qualtrics into SPSS, whereupon they transform the data for analysis. This entails reverse-coding, recoding to collapse categories, and scale construction following analyses of internal reliability. Achieves technology student learning outcomes a and e.

View SOC/ANT 2160 in the Academic Catalog

Approved for Data Intensive Course Designation starting Spring 2024.