Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Taskstream?

A: Taskstream is a cloud-based software solution that promotes educational excellence. Taskstream enables students and other users to create e-portfolios that demonstrate their skills and accomplishments, and to submit their work online for assessment and accreditation purposes.

Q: What is a a DRF?

A: A DRF is a Directed Response Folio. DRFs allow students users, as Authors, to assemble  and submit work to satisfy program-related requirements. A DRF program might be equivalent to a full academic program, a course, or any other division of study. Work might include online forms, text blocks, etc. provided by instructors via the DRF template, and/or uploaded work files such as documents, slideshows, and videos. Authors (students) enrolled into a DRF program can also request comments on their work, publish it to the web, and email it to other Taskstream users or external email addresses.

Q: What are my login credentials?

A: Login credentials are the username and password that you use to access Taskstream. To login, visit Taskstream accounts are created for students upon acceptance into the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education. Upon acceptance into the School of Education, students receive an email with instructions on activating their accounts. If you did not receive an email, contact Jennifer Strange in the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education at

Q: I cannot find my activation email OR the link in my activation email has expired. How do I activate my account?

A: If you cannot find your activation email or if the link in your email has expired, visit: and click Forgot Login. Enter your last name and your username. Your username is your FULL Elon email address. Click Email Username and Password Reset, and follow the instructions to set-up your password.

Q: I forgot my password! What should I do?

A: Visit, and click Forgot Login. Enter your last name and your username. Your username is your full Elon email address. Click Email Username & Password Reset if you are unable to recall your password after viewing your hint.

Q: How do I attach and submit my file?

If you have completed an assignment using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, etc., the following directions will help you upload it to Tasksteream and submit it for evaluation.

  1. Click the name of the program on your home page.
  2. In the left frame on the next page, click the requirement name to open it.
  3. Click the Attachments button in the Add toolbar at the top of your work area.
  4. On the next page, click the orange Upload from Computer button, located on the left.
  5. You can drag your files into the box, or click Add Files on the lower left to locate the file within your computer. To select multiple files, hold down the CTRL button as you select each file.
  6. After you have selected your file(s), click Open.
  7. Back in the attachments window, click the Start Upload button.
  8. Once the upload is complete, close the attachments window, and click Save and Return.
  9. When you are ready to submit for evaluation, click the Submit Work button on the top right corner.

Once your work has been submitted for evaluation, it will automatically be locked and a lock icon will appear next to it. This will prevent you from adding work or editing existing work.

Q. My assignment is locked, and I need to change it! What should I do?

A: Your work submission can only be canceled and edited if your Evaluator (professor) has not yet begun the evaluation process. To cancel your submission:

  1. After selecting the DRF program from your home page, select the Requirement (from the list on the left) that you need to cancel.
  2. Click the Cancel Submission button in the upper right corner of the work area.
  3. When asked to confirm, click the Yes, Undo Submission and Unlock button.
  4. After making your changes, click the Submit Work button to resubmit.

Please note: If you are not able to cancel the evaluation, your professor has already begun the evaluation process. You will need to contact your professor for assistance.

Q: How do I upload a video?

A: You can upload videos into your DRF program, web folio, or web page by first, accessing the requirement or assignment where you’d like to add the video. Under ideal conditions, the file size limit for video uploads is 500-1000 MB. However, video file upload speed is also affected by internet speed, network traffic, computer configuration/speed, and other factors. If your video file is larger than 300 MB, you may want to try compressing it to a smaller size. Larger files may cause the process to freeze altogether.

Q: Where is my evaluation?

A: To find your score or grade after your evaluation has been released:

  1. Access your assignment.
  2. Click the Scores/Results tab toward the top right of the work area.

The Scores/Results Summary page shows a chart with the status of your work, actions that can be taken, your results, and the history of your work submission. To see details on your score, click Score/Results Report in the Results column. To see the history of your submission, including time stamps, click History/Comments.

Q: How do I print my work?

A: Generally, to print a page in Taskstream use either the print button or icon located within that page, or the print feature of your browser. Sometimes a single Taskstream window is divided into multiple frames that might print separately. For example, when you have a screen that displays a scrolling left panel, that panel and the main work space are two separate frames.

To print a particular frame of a Taskstream window, use these options:

Method 1

  1. Click anywhere in the frame that has the information you want to print. This selects that frame.
  2. On your menu bar, click File.
  3. Select Print.

Method 2

  1. Click anywhere in the frame that has the information you want to print. This selects that frame.
  2. On your browser’s toolbar, click the print icon.
  3. Proceed with your print job as you normally do.

Method 3

  1. Right-click anywhere in the frame that has the information you want to print.
  2. From the pop-up menu, select Print. 
  3. Proceed with your print job as you normally do.

Q: Is Taskstream’s site accessible to users with disabilities?

A: Taskstream is committed to making its tools accessible for all users, including people with disabilities.  Taskstream’s tools comply with Federal Section 508 guidelines and W3C WCAG recommendations as described in their accessibility statement.

Q: Which Internet browsers can I use to access Taskstream?

A: Taskstream is a highly dynamic environment that responds differently to each browswer. We recommend using the following supported Internet browsers to get full Taskstream capability.


  • Microsoft Internet Explore 11.0 and above
  • Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
  • Google Chrome (latest version)


  • Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
  • Google Chrome (latest version)


  • Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
  • Google Chrome (latest version)
  • Apple Safari 5.1 and above

Android 4.x+ 

  • Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
  • Google Chrome (latest version)

If you use an internet browser other than those listed above, you may still be able to access Taskstream, but you may not have access to all of the system’s features. Regardless of the browser, you will need to have pop-ups, cookies, and JavaScript enabled in order to use all the features of Taskstream.

Mobile Considerations 

Currently, the following areas of the stidte are not supported on mobile:

  • Uploading files
  • HTML editor

Q: What happens to my work after my account expires?

A: An archive of your LAT work will be stored for six months following the expiration of your subscription. To access your archive during this six-month period:

  1. Login to your account and click the Access My Taskstream Archive button. This archive includes read-only copies of your work and the Pack-It-Up tool.
  2. To save your work offline, click the Pack-It-Up: Save Offline tab of your Taskstream Archive.
  3. Click the Create a New Package button.

Follow the directions for downloading a package of work to your computer. It may take up to 2 hours to process your package request. Once you have been notified by e-mail that your package is ready, you can download the package to your computer.

Looking for more assistance? Email the client support team at: