The Isabella Cannon Global Education Center (GEC) is happy to help you start planning for Study Abroad and/or Study USA during your time at Elon. The following steps outline the advising process and provide you the framework for researching and finding the best program for your specific goals and graduation plan.

First Steps Towards Global Engagement With Elon

Do you have a passport? Is it valid (will not expire) until AT LEAST six months after your intended program end date?

If you answered “no” to either question, apply for or renew your passport now.



“Studying abroad has allowed me to defy any preconceived limits I had. Going abroad has helped strengthen my confidence and I now feel more assured in making independent decisions”

– Erin Leonard, ’21


“By studying abroad, I learned how to step outside of my comfort zone. I have always considered myself very outgoing and independent, but studying and learning in a different country allows you to test your limits to what you think you are comfortable with!”

– Sam Chessen, ’21