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Course Planning and Registration for Global Engagement
As a Study Abroad or Study USA student, it is your responsibility to:
- Review your graduation requirements with your academic advisor(s).
- Discuss with a GEC advisor how Study Abroad or Study USA courses fit into your graduation requirements.
- Take an appropriate combination of courses and semester hours abroad to maintain progress toward degree completion.
- Select alternate/back-up course options should your first choices be denied approval by Elon or become unavailable at the host program.
- Meet any Elon and host program course prerequisites that may apply.
What to Expect
Course Planning Instructions
Be sure to follow the specific instructions for registering your courses for your specific type of global engagement.
- Elon Center, affiliate and exchange programs
- Global Short-Term Programs (Winter Term and travel-embedded courses)
- Independent Programs
- Non-Elon Petitions
For Elon Center, affiliate and exchange programs:
Most credit from semester and summer programs away is transferred to Elon from other institutions. In order to ensure that credit transfers as expected, students must complete a course review form.
The only courses that do not need to be reviewed on a course review form are courses taught by the Elon faculty in residence on Elon Center programs. All other courses on center, affiliate, and exchange programs should be reviewed through the process below.
The Course Review Form is hosted on the eDocs platform. To access eDocs, users must either be on campus or use Elon’s VPN. Guidance on setting up and using Elon’s VPN is below.
Course Review Process
1. Ensure that you have an updated graduation plan. Your academic advisor can help you update your plan.
2. Review your host program’s course offerings. Course information or a link to the provider’s webpage is provided on the Elon brochure page for each program. If courses are not yet available, base your selections on the most recent posted information. Make sure you are referencing courses offered in the correct term; offerings abroad vary between fall and spring semesters just as they do at Elon.
3. Complete the Course Review Form (link below). Please read the instructions on the form closely. To complete the Course Review Form, you must be on campus or connected to the Elon VPN. Instructions for accessing the Elon VPN are provided at the end of this section.
- Identify the requirements you plan to fulfill during your time away.
- Search for courses at your host institution that may meet your requirements.
- Reference the Transfer Articulation Table.
- List your preferred courses and backup options on the form and submit.
The Course Review Form will be returned to you via email by the Office of the Registrar (registrar@elon.edu) approximately two week after submission. On the returned form you’ll find important notes and next steps if specific courses require additional department approvals.
Programs that have a separate course review or registration process:
- Elon in LA and Charlotte: Students register themselves for courses through OnTrack.
- Elon in DC:
- Download the Elon in DC Course Review Form.
- Save the document as: Last Name_First Name_DC Course Review Form.
- Example: Washington_George_DC Course Review Form
- Complete the form.
- Email the completed form to rstraka@elon.edu with the subject line “DC Course Review Form.”
4. Complete the Course Review Form Questionnaire via the MyElonGlobal portal. You will need to upload a PDF of your returned Course Review Form with the Registrar’s notes and approvals and certifying that you understand and have followed the Course Review Process.
Timeframe for submitting a Course Review Form:
- December 15 – March 15
- Summer and Fall Terms
- June 15 – October 15
- Spring Term
TIP: Submit your Course Review Form early! Submitting your Course Review Form early will allow you to receive feedback before the drop/add period for the semester before your program begins.
Questions on using Elon’s VPN?
Step-by-step instructions for installing Elon’s VPN
Quick guide to securely access eDocs forms with the Elon VPN
Video guide for accessing Elon’s VPN to process an eDocs form
For Global Short-Term programs:
(Winter Term and semester travel-embedded)
You can register for only ONE program per term.
It is your responsibility to register both for your Fall preparatory course and for your Winter Term course at the time of registration (in April and/or November). See the enrollment instructions for more detailed information.
The Fall prerequisite course and Winter Term courses must be designated to the same requirement on the degree audit.
If there is a course scheduling conflict for your course or your prerequisite preparatory seminar, you will not be able to enroll in the program.
The following programs have additional requirements. Please go to the program brochure page for more information.
- BUS 281: Business in The Pacific Rim
- Costa Rica Human Service Studies Practicum
- India Public Health Practicum
- Italy Bodies of Knowledge
For more information on global short-term program policies, please see the Policies page.
For Independent Programs
Students register for Elon coursework, often independent study, after the independent program application is approved.
For Non-Elon Petitions
Students complete a transfer credit form, available from MyElonGlobal after their Non-Elon petition is approved.