Graduate Performance

Major outcomes measures related to our program’s performance include our graduates’ Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination (PANCE) scores and job placement rates. The student attrition data for our program is available below.

Elon PA Student Attrition

Graduated Classes Class of 2021 (Dec) Class of 2022 Class of 2023
Maximum entering class size
(as approved by ARC-PA
38 38 38
Entering class size 39 38 39
Graduates 39 36 36
*Attrition rate 0 0.05% 7.6%
**Graduation rate 100 94.75 92.3%

*Attrition rate calculation: Number of students who attritted from cohort divided by the entering class size.
**Graduation rate: Number of cohort graduates divided by the entering class size.

Comments: The Class of 2022 and the Class of 2023 each included a people who withdrew for personal reasons, some of which affected academic performance. The Class of 2023 included one student with clinical year delay from the 2022 cohort (thus, 39 people in class of 2023). This student also ultimately withdrew from the program.


Elon PA Overall Pance Rate

96%first-time takers


Employment for Class of 2022 upon graduation

87%employed as a PA (6 months from graduation)
50%remained in NC
61%received more than one offer

Specialty areas of practice:

  • 21% Emergency medicine
  • 32% Outpatient primary care (family medicine, general internal medicine, pediatrics)
  • 15% Surgical subspecialties (orthopedics, vascular surgery)
  • 10% Urgent care


Employment for Class of 2021 (December grads) upon graduation

77%employed as a PA
61%remained in NC

Specialty areas of practice:

  • Primary care
  • Internal medicine
  • Surgery
  • Psych (high to low)


Employment for Class of 2021 (February grads) upon graduation

70%employed as a PA
63%remained in NC

Specialty areas of practice:

  • Surgery
  • Primary care/Urgent care
  • Emergency medicine
  • Internal medicine
  • Psych (high to low)


Employment for Class of 2020 upon graduation

48%practicing in NC
65%received more than one offer

Specialty areas of practice:

  • Internal medicine including general and subspecialties to include pulmonology, cardiology, heme/onc, neurology, and critical care (9)
  • Surgery (general and subspecialty) (8)
  • Emergency Medicine (4)
  • Other primary care/urgent care (6)


Employment for Class of 2019 upon graduation

100%employed as a PA
74%remained in NC

Specialty Areas of Practice:

  • Surgery (9)
  • Pediatrics (6)
  • Internal Medicine (5)
  • Cardiology (3)
  • Emergency Medicine (2)
  • Critical Care (2)


Employment for Class of 2018 upon graduation as of September 2018 (n=32)

100%employed as a PA
58%remained in NC

Specialty Areas of Practice:

  • Internal Medicine (9)
  • Emergency Medicine (7)
  • Surgery including trauma, general, neuro, vascular (8)
  • Orthopedics (6)
  • Pediatrics (5)
  • Cardiology (2)
  • GI (2)


Employment for Class of 2017 upon graduation as of September 2017 (n=32)

100%employed as a PA
53%remained in NC

Specialty Areas of Practice:

  • Internal Medicine (8)
  • Surgery including ortho, peds, general, vascular (13)
  • Emergency Medicine (5)
  • GI (2)
  • Pediatrics (2)
  • Other (7)