HNR 4998 Research Hours

Fellows are required to take 8 hours of HNR 4998 in support of their thesis research. Students may begin taking these hours the semester they propose the thesis (junior fall or spring) and they may divide them up as fits their schedule, as long as 4 credit hours are taken in the senior year.

HNR 4998 hours are taken during the fall and spring semesters, although exceptions are occasionally made for winter term if the student is not enrolled in other courses and understands the time demands of the compressed schedule.

The following forms are required for students involved in Honors thesis research. Necessary faculty forms can be found on the Mentoring in Honors page.

  • Please use this link to sign up for HNR 4998 Hours. You can sign up at the same time you register for other classes. Students, faculty and staff either have to be on campus to access the forms or use the AnyConnect VPN login to access the forms for security reasons. To aid you in filling out this form, you will find a list of the questions required here (4998 Registration Questions).
  • A 4998 Student Report form will be sent via email each semester the student registers for HNR 4998 hours. Completed forms should be uploaded to this link by 5 p.m. on the final day of classes.
  • IRB Information and Materials
    • All research projects involving human subjects or human material must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). All biomedical, social and behavioral research projects conducted by the faculty, the staff and students of the University are subject to the Policies and Procedures of the IRB.
    • Starting on June 1, 2024, students must complete the CITI training in addition to their mentor(s) prior to submitting an IRB application.
  • Reimbursement Form Funds for thesis research are eligible for reimbursement only once the thesis proposal has been approved. Students are eligible for up to $1,000 in reimbursement.
    • IMPORTANT: If your reimbursement is $150 or under, it needs to be submitted via the online petty cash process. Email Ms. Emily Moser ( first for the account number and choose her name as the routing contact on the form.