HomeAcademicsHonors ProgramMeet the FellowsClass of 2025 Class of 2025 Sol Addison saddison3@elon.eduMajor: Sociology, Applied Math Lauren Beuerle lbeuerle2@elon.eduMajor: Applied Math, Data Analytics Mollie Brooks mbrooks18@elon.eduMajor: Dance Science Coral Clark cclark54@elon.eduMajor: Public Health (Biological Aspects), Strategic Communications Joshua Franklin jfranklin4@elon.eduMajor: Political Science Ryan Gibbons rgibbons@elon.eduMajor: Environmental & Ecological Science, Cinema & Television Arts Wilson Holcombe wholcombe@elon.eduMajor: Exercise Science Luke Jackson ljackson20@elon.eduMajor: Journalism, Media Analytics Paige Kenyon pkenyon2@elon.eduMajor: Environmental and Ecological Science Donelle Leak dleak@elon.eduMajor: Strategic Communications Jade May jmay12@elon.eduMajor: Philosophy, Political Science Corey McCall cmccall9@elon.eduMajor: Biology, Public Health Studies Clayton McLamb cmclamb@elon.eduMajor: Computer Science, Data Analytics Julia Morrissey jmorrissey5@elon.eduMajor: Finance, Business Analytics Khairi Morrow kmorrow4@elon.eduMajor: Dance Science, Exercise Science Bailey Reutinger breutinger@elon.eduMajor: Statistics, Biology Aniya Scott ascott48@elon.eduMajor: Biology Henry Searle hsearle@elon.eduMajor: Integrative Biology, Psychology Peyton Shetler pshetler@elon.eduMajor: Environmental Studies Aubrey Spicola aspicola@elon.eduMajor: Astrophysics Christina Stafford cstafford4@elon.eduMajor: English, Political Science Carter Stoke cstoke@elon.eduMajor: Exercise Science Jillian Thomas jthomas61@elon.eduMajor: Applied Mathematics, Economics Samantha Zak szak2@elon.eduMajor: Biology