HomeAcademicsHonors ProgramMeet the FellowsClass of 2026 Class of 2026 Rocco Albano ralbano@elon.eduMajor: Biology, International and Global Studies Liam Becker lbecker6@elon.eduMajor: Finance Merrie Byers mbyers8@elon.eduMajor: Cinema and Television Arts Emma Ciesla eciesla@elon.eduMajor: Strategic Communications Emma Corbett ecorbett3@elon.eduMajor: Strategic Communications Rony Dahdal rdahdal2@elon.eduMajor: Computer Science, Philosophy Ellie Dugan edugan@elon.eduMajor: Communication Design, Arts Administration Evelyn Ealey eealey@elon.eduMajor: Dance Performance & Choreography Mira Fitch mfitch8@elon.eduMajor: Political Science, Statistics Sara Fritz sfritz4@elon.eduMajor: International and Global Studies, Economics Reilly Galloway rgalloway@elon.eduMajor: Cinema & Television Arts, Marketing Reese Garrity rgarrity2@elon.eduMajor: Biochemistry Kelsey Golden kgolden5@elon.eduMajor: History, Art History Fritz Graham fgraham2@elon.eduMajor: Biology Emma Hash ehash@elon.eduMajor: Philosophy Diego Hernandez dhernandez8@elon.eduMajor: Biomedical Engineering Bunny Ingram bingram3@elon.eduMajor: Environmental Science Autumn Irby airby4@elon.eduMajor: Psychology Cheyenne Jacobs ljacobs9@elon.eduMajor: Spanish, Finance Haley Johnson hjohnson38@elon.eduMajor: Psychology Carina Kaplan ckaplan3@elon.eduMajor: Strategic Communications, Public Health Studies Oscar Kardon okardon@elon.eduMajor: Computer Science Jacob Karty jkarty3@elon.eduMajor: Engineering, Computer Science Emma Kenney ekenney5@elon.eduMajor: Ecological and Environmental Science Jin Kobes jkobes@elon.eduMajor: Economics, Political Science Jimmy LaMore jlamore2@elon.eduMajor: Biology Mya Lee mlee48@elon.eduMajor: Entrepreneurship Sara Magnuson smagnuson2@elon.eduMajor: Exercise Science Eliza Menser emenser@elon.eduMajor: Environmental Studies, Political Science Archie Meskhidze ameskhidze@elon.eduMajor: Philosophy, International and Global Studies Kalen Morrison kmorrison15@elon.eduMajor: Biology Ben Nevala bnevala@elon.eduMajor: Finance, Accounting Maddy Nolen mnolen2@elon.eduMajor: Economics, Marketing Natalie Peeples npeeples2@elon.eduMajor: Psychology Mackenzie Perry mperry17@elon.eduMajor: Political Science Ella Pierman epierman@elon.eduMajor: Biochemistry, Psychology Owen Pomykacz opomykacz@elon.eduMajor: Business Analytics Anna Rakes arakes@elon.eduMajor: Statistics, Policy Studies Zoe Richardson zrichardson3@elon.eduMajor: International Studies, Physics Avery Shipp ashipp2@elon.eduMajor: Anthropology, Sociology Taylor Sluss tsluss@elon.eduMajor: Business Analytics Soriah Smith ssmith164@elon.eduMajor: Psychology Gracyn Speter gspeter@elon.eduMajor: Engineering Rahv Tupac-Yupanqui rtupacyupanqui@elon.eduMajor: Engineering Chloe Vautrin cvautrin@elon.eduMajor: Sociology, Applied Math A.B. Nivea Walker nwalker14@elon.eduMajor: English, Biology Nailah Ware nware3@elon.eduMajor: Music Production & Recording Arts