Does My Teaching/Research Activity Require IACUC Review?

Any use of vertebrate animals by faculty, staff, or students of Elon University for teaching, research, or display purposes must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee (IACUC).  Animal use protocols are reviewed within 15 days of submission.  If approved, they are valid for a 3-year period as long as annual animal use reports are submitted one month prior to the 1-year anniversary approval date.  Undergraduate research applications must be submitted by the faculty or staff members supervising the research project since students may not serve as a PI on an IACUC study.

Faculty or staff members interested in applying for animal use approval should contact the Chair of the IACUC, Dr. William Schreiber (, who will then enroll that person on the Elon University IACUC Moodle site where all forms and other resources are made available such as the instructions for enrolling in the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) to complete animal use training modules.  All faculty, staff, and student participants must complete the required CITI training prior to IACUC approval.