Major Guidebooks for First-Year Students

We have provided many First-Year Guidebooks by major below. We intentionally leave all Guidebooks on this page to allow you to view all majors in a single location. This is a key opportunity to explore the majors that Elon offers as well as learn about requirements for each. In each Guidebook, you will find:

  1. A brief overview of what the Guidebook is and includes
  2. Recommended first semester and first-year courses by academic major/discipline
  3. A two-page worksheet to answer questions about your placements, courses of interest, and questions for your small group virtual advising session
  4. Two sample schedules by past Elon University students pursuing this same path

We recommend that you download these Guidebooks. Remember, we use Microsoft products so you have Microsoft Word available through your Microsoft 365 account.

Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education

The Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education includes four primary majors, multiple licensure tracks, and seven minors. Some of the minors also include concentrations, such as Middle Grades Education. The Guidebooks below focus on the majors available in the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education. Secondary Educations concentrations are also available in English and History.

Elementary Education 2024 Guidebook Outdoor Leadership and Education 2024 Guidebook
Middle Grades Education 2024 Guidebook Science Education 2024 Guidebook

Love School of Business

Love School of Business majors have several introductory level courses in common. Students have a choice of 13 majors and 8 minors in LSB. Some minors cannot be combined with certain majors but the versatility of the foundational courses provides students time to explore the School while completing common coursework. We have provided one LSB Guidebook with additional major information as needed.

Love School of Business Majors 2024 Guidebook
BUS 1110: Gateway to Business in LA Winter 2025

School of Communications

The School of Communications offers 5 majors in the field of communications as well as Sport Management. Students can pursue 1 of 3 available minors. Some minors cannot be combined with certain majors. Foundational coursework allows students to explore the School of Communications with common requirements as well as where some courses overlap with multiple other majors. We have provided one School of Communications guidebook with additional major information as needed.

Communications Majors 2024 Guidebook

School of Health Sciences

The School of Health Sciences currently offers just 1 undergraduate degree: Nursing. Students must be admitted into this program to pursue this pathway. While it is competitive to be admitted, students may opt to pursue the common first-semester courses listed in the Nursing Guidebook. Questions about entrance into the program should be sent to the Department Chair of the program.

Nursing 2024 Guidebook

Elon College of Arts & Sciences

The Elon College of Arts & Sciences offers the most majors at Elon, many with additional sub-fields called focal areas, concentrations, or tracks. Many, but not all, introductory classes for these majors fit into the Elon Core Curriculum and are great options to “explore through the Core.” The Guidebooks are arranged by Humanities & Social Science majors, STEM & Health Professions majors, and the Arts, Music, & Performing Arts majors. For some Guidebooks, you will notice multiple majors as they are from the same academic department. These majors can be versatile so may be listed in multiple categories.

Humanities Majors
Social Science Majors
Art History and History 2024 Guidebook Anthropology and Sociology 2024 Guidebook
Classical Studies 2024 Guidebook Human Service Studies 2024 Guidebook
English and Professional Writing and Rhetoric 2024 Guidebook Political Science & Policy Studies 2024 Guidebook
French 2024 Guidebook Psychology 2024 Guidebook
International and Global Studies 2024 Guidebook Public Heath Studies 2024 Guidebook
Philosophy 2024 Guidebook
Religious Studies 2024 Guidebook
Spanish 2024 Guidebook
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math
Health Professions Oriented Majors
Biochemistry 2024 Guidebook Biochemistry 2024 Guidebook
Biology 2024 Guidebook Biology 2024 Guidebook
Chemistry 2024 Guidebook Exercise Science 2024 Guidebook
Computer Science 2024 Guidebook Psychology 2024 Guidebook
Department of Mathematics and Statistics 2024 Guidebook Public Heath Studies 2024 Guidebook
Department of Physics Majors 2024 Guidebook
Engineering 2024 Guidebook
Environmental Science Majors 2024 Guidebook
The Arts, Music, and Performing Arts

Several of the majors in this area require a specific audition or portfolio review for admittance into the program. When applicable, this is noted in the Guidebook.

Acting, Music Theatre, and Theatrical Design & Technology 2024 Guidebook Department of Music Majors 2024 Guidebook
Art 2024 Guidebook Dance Performance Choreography & Dance Science 2024 Guidebook
Arts Administration 2024 Guidebook Drama & Theatre Studies 2024 Guidebook