Academic Planning & Grad Plan

Academic planning is an interactive, collaborative process between the student and various advising resources for the student. The result is the creation of a four-year graduation plan housed in OnTrack: Student Planning. This plan allows students to follow requirements for their intended major and other key academic experiences while at Elon. Academic planning is also an evolving process. As you learn of new opportunities, discover more about yourself and your future goals, your plan will change. Academic planning is a hallmark feature of the ELN 1010 programs where students will get their first version of academic planning.

Transfer students are not required to take ELN 1010 but are encouraged to do so if they are a first-year student. Other transfer students should use our resources to create a graduation plan and then schedule a review meeting with their academic advisor.

Graduation plan consultation meetings

Returning students are able to schedule graduation plan consultation meetings with a full-time professional advisor in the Office of Academic Advising. In these meetings, we will review the established graduation plan and identify areas to improve the graduation plan, suggest edits to allow for a balanced course load, and discuss the plans to complete Experiential Learning Requirements as part of the Elon Core Curriculum. Graduation plan consultation meetings do not involve the full-time professional advisor creating a graduation plan for the student.

Students requesting such a meeting may stop in the office, call, or email. Students currently enrolled in ELN 1010 are referred to their course instructor for support.

Graduation plan consultation meetings are available up until 3-4 weeks prior to the first group registers for classes each semester. Traditionally, this means we are available up until fall break and spring break. Such consultation meetings resume after course registration concludes.

Resource: Graduation Planning – Prerequisites & Corequisites

This document helps students plan out the order of classes in a particular major or minor path using the Academic Catalog for their guide.