Major Declaration FAQs

Please review the common questions and answer regarding Major Declaration. If you still have a question, please email, call 336-278-6500, or stop in 231 Koenigsberger Learning Center.

How long does it take for my major/minor to be updated?

Please allow 2-3 weeks from the time of submission for your major/minor to be updated in OnTrack.

How long dies it take to get a new major advisor?

If you are declaring your major for the first time or changing to a new primary or secondary major, please allow 2-3 weeks from the time of submission to receive a new advisor.

I'm declared in my major. How can I change my major advisor?

All advisor change requests for students declared in a major must go through the academic department chair.

Can I declare my minor before my major?

No. You must be declared in your major before you can declare any minors.

How do I just change my minor(s)?

After you have declared your major and this has been processed, go into the form and select Add or Change a Major/Minor. Review your information and advance to the screen that includes your majors and minors. To drop a minor, simply click remove. Or select the minor from the drop-down list to add.

Will I get the advisor I request when I declare my major?

Sometimes. There are a lot of factors that determine whether that occurs. Each are determined by the Department Chair. If you are assigned an advisor that was not your preference, please contact the Department Chair to discuss your options.

I want to switch my secondary major to my primary major and vice versa. Do I have to complete the form again?

Yes, you will fully complete the major declaration form again. Be sure to include your current advisors again if you would like to keep them. Otherwise, leave the advisor request section of the form blank.

I submitted the form and now I can't make an edit. Why not?

Students can submit one major declaration form at a time. While the form is being processed, students cannot declare their major. If you made an error in your major declaration,

When can first-year students declare their major?

First-year students can declare their major during the last two class weeks of ELN 1010.

What's the deadline to declare my major?

You must declare your major by the start of your first semester of a junior. This means that you have earned a minimum of 62 semester hours. Incoming first-year students with a lot of credits cannot declare until the conclusion of ELN 1010.