Procedures for Requesting an Accommodation

Students may make a request for reasonable accommodation by following the procedure below.

1)      Self-Identification. To request an accommodation, students must first self-identify with Disabilities Resources by creating an account through our on-line system and completing the Disclosure and Request for Accommodations form through that system. Although a student may make an accommodation request at any time, the University encourages this process to be completed as early as possible prior to the beginning of the semester or term, as accommodations are not retroactive. Submission of this form will begin the processes of determining (1) whether the student is a qualified student with a disability and, if so, (2) what reasonable accommodations the University will provide to the student.

2)      Documentation. If requested, it is the student’s responsibility to provide appropriate documentation of the disability at the student’s expense.  Documentation is needed in order to determine the nature of the disability and the functional limitations created by the disability, as well as to inform the process for determining appropriate accommodations as needed.

3)      Accommodation. In a collaborative process, Disabilities Resources will identify appropriate reasonable accommodations for qualified students on a case-by-case basis. The final decision regarding the appropriate reasonable accommodation rests with the University.

Undergraduates:  At the beginning of each semester or term, the requesting students will receive their accommodation letters via email or access them through the online system.  A request is required for each term, so that the students can access appropriate resources within the on-line data management system. Students are responsible for ensuring that letters are provided to the appropriate faculty members and other University employees who the student needs to implement the accommodations. It is strongly recommended that students send their accommodation letters to the appropriate individuals as soon as possible since accommodations are not retroactive.

Graduate students:  Graduate students will receive an accommodation letter at the beginning of each academic year, unless an updated letter is required more often.  Graduate students work directly with the Director of Disabilities Resources regarding their accommodation requests, who also works in coordination with the coordinators in each program to ensure appropriate accessibility for these students.

It is the requesting student’s responsibility to inform Disability Resources of any changes to the disability or to request modifications to approved accommodations. Similarly, it is the student’s responsibility to request continuation of the approved accommodations beyond the time period set forth in the accommodation letters. If approved accommodations need to be changed, the student and Disabilities Resources staff members will collaborate on the changes. Students should keep Disabilities Resources informed of their progress and should promptly report any difficulty receiving approved accommodations to permit timely support from the University.

4)      Interim Accommodations. If a student received accommodations for a disability before being enrolled with the University, they may be eligible to receive reasonable interim accommodations pending the student’s compliance with the accommodation procedures outlined herein. The provision of interim accommodations is not an acknowledgement by the University that the student is a qualified student with a disability or that the student is entitled to an accommodation.

5)      Accommodations due to Temporary Medical Conditions. Though not required by law, the University recognizes that it is sometimes beneficial to provide assistance to students who have temporarily disabling medical conditions. These may include conditions resulting from surgery, accidents, severe illness, or other medical conditions that temporarily impair regular attendance or academic performance. Documentation is required and appropriate accommodations may be provided at the discretion of the University.