
Dining Engagement Tables are reserveable spaces in our dining halls that can accommodate groups of 6-72 people. It is a great opportunity for classes, organizations, living learning communities, and residentially linked courses to share a meal together in our dining halls.

How Does It Work?

Students with a meal plan will use a swipe and instructors without a meal plan will receive a complimentary meal.

To cover the cost of meals for students, faculty, staff, or campus visitors in your group who do not have a meal plan, you can request to use the Dining Engagement Card when making your table reservation.

Table Locations

  • Lakeside Long Table (up to 12 people)
  • McEwen Dining Engagement Space (up to 72 people)
  • Clohan Dining Engagement Tables (2 tables seating up to 8 people each)

Reserve a Table through 25Live

Click on the 25Live link to begin your table reservation. Be sure to select the table type as Dining Engagement.

For questions or inquiries regarding Dining Engagement Tables, please contact Jackson Mabon via email or at (336) 278-6629.