A gifted teacher who brings his professional experience into the classroom, David Bockino’s versatility is evident by his many roles in the School of Communications.

In the past year alone, the associate professor has taught in the communications core, sport management department and media analytics program, a program he became director of last summer. Additionally, he regularly leads a Winter Term course examining the intersection of sports media and culture with past visits to Argentina, Brazil, Spain and Uruguay. He also excels at teaching both introductory courses and upper-level courses effectively, challenging students with rigorous coursework, all while expressing empathy and support when needed.

As director of the Communications Fellows program, Bockino also mentors the school’s most ambitious and academically gifted students, earning praise for his ability to build longstanding relationships that last beyond the classroom and enrich their educational experiences. Last spring, he accompanied Mike Brown ’23 to Barcelona to co-present at the 2023 Summit on Communication and Sport, outlining their undergraduate research initiative designed for students interested in sports media.

“It means a tremendous amount to me that Professor Bockino would be willing to travel halfway across the world to present with me,” Brown says. “One reason I chose to attend Elon University was because of the close-knit connections students and professors have.”