Periclean Scholars: Informed, ethical, and globally engaged in the co-creation of a more just, inclusive, and sustainable world.

The Periclean Scholars Program is a three-year, cohort-based learning experience that focuses on forming mutually-beneficial partnerships locally and abroad. This competitive program also fosters strong and supportive relationships between cohort members and their Mentor. The program is the centerpiece of Project Pericles, which is committed to raising the level of civic engagement and social responsibility of the entire university community. Undergraduate students can apply for the program during their first year at Elon. Students chosen to be a part of the program take a series of academic courses throughout their Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years (18 sh total) culminating in a partnership built around social justice, internationally and locally. The potential partnership is identified and developed by the cohort of students under the direction of their Faculty Mentor. Some examples include: assisting an international organization in developing equitable and sustainable community tourism initiatives in Sri Lanka; creating a documentary on lived experiences in Cuba; collaborating with leaders on Pine Ridge Reservation to enhance communication and advertising, as well as partnering with a local organization in Ghana to promote youth leadership and development.


“The Periclean program provided me with an opportunity to learn more about a place in the world that I was not previously familiar with. Through the experience, I found myself becoming more immersed and involved with my fellow cohort members, and culminated in the creation of a final project that I look back on making with great fondness. I am very thankful for the Periclean program for giving me an outlet to work with like-minded students who are passionate for global and cultural immersion.” – Dan Soraco, Periclean Scholar 2020

“As someone who has always been passionate about service learning and design, two things that seem very different, becoming a Periclean Scholar while being a Communication Design and Media Analytics double major was a great way to pursue both the things I am interested in. The more I learn the more I see intersectionality that I can bring into my career!”– Josie Cousineau, Periclean Scholar 2022

“One of the biggest things I have learned from the Periclean Scholar Program is the importance of listening. It’s one thing to be a person with good intentions but it’s another thing to truly communicate with the people you are working with and learn how you can best be of service. It’s a humbling and wonderful experience that I think everyone should have.” – Mackenzie Martinez, Periclean Scholar 2021


Find out how to become a Periclean Scholar.


The Periclean Scholars program is fully committed to the principles outlined by Fair Trade Learning and the Core Humanitarian Standard. To learn more, please follow the links below:

Fair Trade Learning

Core Humanitarian Standard

Past and Future Periclean Scholar Classes (with country/region of focus, project area, and Faculty Mentor):

Class of 2006: Namibia, HIV/AIDS awareness and education, Dr. Tom Arcaro (Sociology and Anthropology).

Class of 2007: Honduras, pediatric malnutrition, Dr. Jim Brown (History and Geography).

Class of 2008: Mexico, poverty and education, Dr. Michael Frontani (Communications).

Class of 2009: Zambia, rural development, Dr. Steve Braye (English).

Class of 2010: Ghana, socioeconomic development, Dr. Heidi Frontani (History and Geography).

Class of 2011: Sri Lanka, environment and education, Dr. Crista Arangala (Mathematics).

Class of 2012: India, empowering adolescent girls, Dr. Martin Kamela (Physics).

Class of 2013: Mexico, poverty and health issues, Dr. Brian Nienhaus (Business).

Class of 2014: Appalachia, poverty and environment, Dr. Ken Hassell (Art).

Class of 2015: Haiti, Restavek and human trafficking, Dr. Bud Warner (Human Service Studies).

Class of 2016: Honduras, youth and community development, Prof. April Post (World Languages and Cultures).

Class of 2017: Namibia, sustainable agriculture, Dr. Carol Smith (Health and Human Performance).

Class of 2018: Zambia, partnership in community development, Dr. Steve Braye (English).

Class of 2019: Sri Lanka, partnering for economic empowerment for women, Dr. Mathew Gendle (Psychology).

Class of 2020: Cuba, “Sin Embargo: A Collection of Cuban Stories” documentary, Prof. April Post (World Languages and Cultures).

Class of 2021: Oglala Lakota Nation, Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota, USA, child maltreatment and cultural restoration, Dr. Bud Warner (Human Service Studies).

Class of 2022: Ghana, YOUDRIC, Leadership for Life Program; DownHome NC, Advocacy in Alamance County, Prof. Amanda Tapler (Public Health Studies).

Class of 2023: Sri Lanka, partnership with organizations supporting diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC), Dr. Mathew Gendle (Psychology).

Class of 2024: Morocco and Alamance County NC, Structural Racism and Racial Inequality, Dr. Vanessa Drew-Branch (Human Service Studies).

Class of 2025: Costa Rica, TBD, Dr. Vanessa Bravo (Strategic Communications).

Class of 2026: India, TBD, Prof. Amanda Tapler (Public Health Studies).

Class of 2027: Sri Lanka, TBD, Dr. Mathew Gendle (Psychology).

Class of 2028: Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation (North Carolina, USA), cultural revitalization and healing, Dr. Mark Enfield (Education).

Class of 2029: the African Diaspora (location TBD), TBD, Dr. Vanessa Drew-Branch (Human Service Studies).

Class of 2030: Appalachia, USA (specific location TBD), TBD, Dr. Evan Small (Wellness).

Class of 2031: Sri Lanka, TBD, Dr. Mathew Gendle (Psychology).

Class of 2032: Eastern Europe (specific location TBD), immigrant/refugee issues, Dr. Jennifer Eidum (English)

Class of 2033: India, TBD, Prof. Amanda Tapler (Public Health Studies).