1) To nurture Scholar understanding of personal and social responsibility, equitable and just development, and the critical distinction between “giving” and “partnering”.

2) To promote innovative and sustainable partnerships that function to effectively solve local problems.

3) To foster a deep understanding of our partners’ diverse histories and needs, and engage in culturally-aware dialogues regarding these needs that are based on open-mindedness, empathy, civility, ethical integrity, and mutual respect.

4) To enhance Scholars’ knowledge of the political systems and power structures that frame global problems, as well as the political, economic, and social levers that that can be used to affect meaningful change.

5) To create projects for the greater good that meet all nine criteria of The Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability.

a. Humanitarian response is appropriate and relevant.

b. Humanitarian response is effective and timely.

c. Humanitarian response strengthens local capacities and avoids negative effects.

d. Humanitarian response is based on communication, participation, and feedback.

e. Complaints are welcomed and addressed.

f.  Humanitarian response is coordinated and complimentary.

g. Humanitarian actors continuously learn and improve.

h. Staff are supported to do their job effectively, and are treated fairly and equitably.

i. Resources are managed and used responsibly for their intended purpose.

6) To promote intellectual and personal growth in Scholars that will serve as a foundation for a lifelong journey of global citizenship.

7) To foster leadership skills in Scholars, accompanied by reflective analysis or insights about the aims and accomplishments of this leadership.

8) To effectively communicate the positive outcomes of their partnerships with local, national, and international constituencies.