To complete your Effort Report:

  1. Complete the Effort Reporting Form.
  2. Log in using your Elon email address as your username and your Elon password.
  3. Under “Basic Information,” select the semester and year you are reporting on.
  4. Select whether you are Faculty or Staff.
    1. If you are Faculty, you will select your department only if your dean is the individual who will review your report. If someone other than your dean should review your report (for example, if you are a Co-PI on a grant, then the PI should review your report), you will check the box under the department drop-down. Type the person’s email in the box and then click the “check names” icon to the right of the box to select the name.
    2. If you are Staff, enter the person’s email in the box and then click the “check names” icon to the right of the box.
  5. Proceed to the “Effort Report” section of the report.
  6. Select the number of grants on which you are currently reporting using the drop-down number menu.
  7. Under each “Grant Title” drop-down menu, select the name of your grant. Once you have selected your grant, the effort promised for that grant as well as any cost share/match promised, will be displayed.
  8. Under “Effort Actual,” enter the actual effort you performed. NOTE: If the actual effort is less than the effort promised, please contact Jenny Chapman before completing the form.
  9. If your grant has any cost share or match, under “Cost Share/Match Actual,” enter the actual percentage of cost share/match.
  10. The remaining percentage should be automatically calculated under “Percent of all other Elon activities,” giving a “Total percentage” of 100%. If the total doesn’t equal 100%, you will be unable to submit your report.
  11. Once you have completed steps 7-10 for each of your grants, press submit to send your report to the appropriate person for review.

Once the report has been reviewed, you will select submit and a copy of the completed effort report will be sent to the Assistant Director of Sponsored Programs, Jenny Chapman, and the Grants Accountant, Courtney Saul so that your effort can be charged to the grant.

Note: Elon calculates effort during the academic year based on six four-credit hour courses taught, which means 16.7% effort per course. We do not calculate effort based on actual hours of effort because they do not coincide with effort in the approved budget.

Please direct any questions regarding effort reporting to Jenny Chapman: or call 336-278-6614.