Research/Creative Interests

My research interests and approach are grounded in Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory, and currently center on the intersections of digital/social technologies and family life. Digital and social technologies are changing the way children, adolescents, and parents develop, communicate, socialize, work, and play. Understanding the long-term influence of interactions and activities in virtual contexts is crucial to understanding child/adolescent development, parent–child relations, and modern family systems.

Research/Creative Needs

I am currently beginning a new mixed methods project, and seek students who are creative and independent thinkers interested in participating in every step of research design, implementation, and analysis. I am particularly interested in working with students who seek to develop qualitative data collection (i.e., interviews and focus groups) skills with parents and their adolescent children. I would also be thrilled to work with a student who has/seeks skills utilizing social technologies for research purposes.

Mentoring Style

  • Typically a lab-based model
  • One-on-one or in small groups, depending on the project
  • I typically collaborate with faculty from other institutions or other experts in the field to mentor students

Currently looking for a student to apply and work in these programs:

  • Any program/opportunity
  • Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
  • Endowed Grant
  • Elon College Fellows
  • Honors
  • Lumen Prize application

I can mentor a student enrolled in 4998/4999 hours during these semesters:

  • Any semester

Student Qualifications

  • I am interested in mentoring students who are creative and innovative, and seek to develop a research lab of students with a wide range of experiences and interests. I seek to recruit students with whom I can collaborate to pursue an anti-racist and equity-based research agenda. I welcome students interested in research from any department, including human service studies, education, psychology, public health, communications, marketing, economics, history and geography, the performing and visual arts, math and statistics, and political science.

A little bit more info:

In addition to my own research interests, I really enjoy out-of-the-box thinking and helping students and colleagues find what research questions interest them. I also love doing quantitative data analysis, particularly structural equation modelling, measurement models, mixture modeling, and longitudinal data analysis. My go to statistics programs are STATA and MPlus, and would love to meet students who enjoy (or want to learn) innovative quant methods.

Interested? Please email me to request more information.