Research/Creative Interests

I primarily focus on understanding, predicting, and reducing harmful behaviors at work (i.e., counterproductive work performance); these range from minor behaviors like cyberloafing to severe behaviors like harassment. Most of my recent projects explore how we use technology at work to harm others, our companies, or ourselves.

Research/Creative Needs

If students share an interest in an ongoing project or would like support on a highly related project of their own, I can work with them to find tasks that are appropriate for their skill set and will help them develop skills they value. All projects will require scholarly reading, writing, and quantitative analysis.

Mentoring Style

  • One-on-one or in small groups, depending on the project

Currently looking for a student to apply and work in these programs:

  • Any program/opportunity
  • Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
  • Honors Fellows

I can mentor a student enrolled in 4998/4999 hours during these semesters:

  • Any semester
  • Email me to ask

Student Qualifications

  • hard-working
  • resilient
  • has taken basic statistics or research methods courses

Interested? Please email me to set up a meeting.